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Der-welchen-Song--hör-ich-gerade-Thread - Druckversion

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RE: Der-welchen-Song--hör-ich-gerade-Thread - The_Seventhson - 04.10.2008

np: Flotsam and Jetsam - The Master Sleeps "When the Storm Comes Down"

RE: Der-welchen-Song--hör-ich-gerade-Thread - padrak - 04.10.2008

UFO - Boogie For George (Live, 1972) [iTunes 8.0.1]

ENDGEILES Livealbum Gott

RE: Der-welchen-Song--hör-ich-gerade-Thread - elSalvadore - 04.10.2008

Soulwax - KracK

RE: Der-welchen-Song--hör-ich-gerade-Thread - myhomeismycastle - 04.10.2008

breach - die janze disco düdelt grad runter

RE: Der-welchen-Song--hör-ich-gerade-Thread - PunkZERO - 04.10.2008

* PunkZERO geniesst grad: "Meshuggah - Dancers To A Discordant System" vom Album "obZen" (44 kHz/1411 kbps/09:36)

RE: Der-welchen-Song--hör-ich-gerade-Thread - Kane - 04.10.2008

* Kane np: Böhse Onkelz - Finde Die Wahrheit (Album: Live In Dortmund CD1) [04:43]

RE: Der-welchen-Song--hör-ich-gerade-Thread - PunkZERO - 04.10.2008

* PunkZERO geniesst grad: "Massive Attack & Mos Def - I Against I "vom Album "Blade II OST" (44 kHz/192 kbps/05:40)

RE: Der-welchen-Song--hör-ich-gerade-Thread - elSalvadore - 05.10.2008

Tegan and Sara - Burn Your Life Down

RE: Der-welchen-Song--hör-ich-gerade-Thread - malde - 05.10.2008

Immanu El - irgendwas (hat meine Freundin grad laufen)

RE: Der-welchen-Song--hör-ich-gerade-Thread - PunkZERO - 05.10.2008

* PunkZERO geniesst grad: "Equilibrium - Unbesiegt "vom Album "Sagas" (44 kHz/320 kbps/06:19)

RE: Der-welchen-Song--hör-ich-gerade-Thread - Aasfresser - 05.10.2008

Satyricon - Nemesis Divina

RE: Der-welchen-Song--hör-ich-gerade-Thread - elSalvadore - 05.10.2008

The Pierces - Kill! Kill! Kill!

RE: Der-welchen-Song--hör-ich-gerade-Thread - mshannes - 05.10.2008

Nailed - Ritual Abuse

RE: Der-welchen-Song--hör-ich-gerade-Thread - Aasfresser - 05.10.2008

Umberto Eco - Das focaultsche Pendel
Das werden lustige 4 Stunden Usofa

RE: Der-welchen-Song--hör-ich-gerade-Thread - dumdidum - 05.10.2008

H2O - What Happened

"But now the biggest part is all about the image and not the art! Fashion before passion! And at nights, it makes me mad that I should have to ask: What happened to the passion?"
