Tarantino Presents: HOSTEL - Horror-Schocker auf Platz 1(US) - Lord-Icon - 11.01.2006
Zitat:Der Horror-Schocker "Hostel" stieg am vergangenen Wochenende direkt auf Platz eins der US-Kinocharts ein. Die Produktionskosten von ca. fuenf Millionen US-Dollar wurden nach vorlaeufigen Schaetzungen in etwa vierfacher Form bereits wieder eingespielt.
Damit hat "Hostel" den Fantasy-Film "Narnia" und den Blockbuster "King Kong" auf Rang zwei bzw. auf Rang drei verwiesen.
Der Film wurde produziert von Quentin Tarantino. Regie fuehrte Eli Roth.
traut man den kritiken so steht uns mit hostel einer der besten horror-filme der letzten jahre bevor... der film soll dermassen hart und krank sein das man gespannt sein darf ob der film uncut in deutschland laufen wird. eli roth wird mittlerweile schon als wuerdiger clive barker nachfolger angesehen. passend zur kranken thematik des films hat selbst Takashi Miike einen gastauftritt in Hostel! eli roth steht uebrigens ganz oben auf der "foerdererliste" von Tarantino, der folgendes ueber Roth sagt: Quentin Tarantino calls him "the future of horror," and praised his work in the May 2004 issue of Premiere Magazine.
Zitat:I too saw Hostel at the Toronto film festival and was just as blown away. Even without completed visual Fjust little things) and a score which ‘apparently’ was rushed together (you couldn’t tell), the movie honestly could have been released widespread the next day and it still would be awesome.
I’m trying to launch into a sort of ‘review’ but one of the awesome things about hostel is that just so much rushes to your head when you think of it, that it’s hard to pick a launching point. The movie is awesome.
Let me tell you this. The other day I was talking to someone who is very excited about Hostel, but knows nothing about it. He told me that one thing he hates now is that ‘theater’ movies don’t scare him anymore, and haven’t scared him for awhile. He asked me, simply, is ‘Hostel’ scary?
I could only say this. Hostel is the kind of movie that you will think about a week after you’ve seen it. Its unsettling to the point of awesomeness. I walked out of the screening thinking that it was awesome. I talked about it non stop. Even at a football game later in the day, I can remember looking at my brother, we were both thinking the same thing, Hostel.
Now I suppose I should get into some technical mumbo jumbo, using terms a bit more descriptive than ‘awesome.’ Talk about stuff people want to hear about, sex and gore. I’ve heard people say that the first half of hostel is about nudity, the second half is about gore. Now if that doesn’t spell out ‘horror movie’ I don’t know what does.
Hostel, yes, has a gore galore and spades on top of that. Like a stripper ripping her skin off Hostel is a show that teases your sick imagination, but by the end, you get what you pay for. Hostel is a lap dance of perverse brutality. It is intense, and I should say, some of, if not KNB effects group’s best, sickest work. Easily, some of the best gore seen in movies in the last ten years.
And also, likely one of the most disturbing films made in the last ten years. A very, very, dark, sadistic direction here for Eli Roth (a gentleman and, not to overuse the phrase but ‘awesome’ guy in real life). I don’t want to steer people’s approaches to the movie, but I will say that those expecting cabin fever are in for a surprise. Hostel proves that Eli Roth is capable of more than just teenish pot jokes (although there is plenty). Hostel is an obscene machine of twistedness that gradually pulls out all stops as it moves along. It eventually invokes a seriousness that you might not expect, but is pulled off perfectly. Even so, it still rocks.
I’ll wrap this up for now by saying that if you see this opening night, I can guarantee you’re gonna hear screaming, moaning, groaning. Aside from what’s on the screen, you’ll probably see people leave the theater People will not be able to take this movie. The irony of releasing it during the cheeriest month of the year, is gonna kill people. There’ll be public outlash and praise that this is one of the sickest, greatest horror films of all time. A modern classic that 20 years from now will likely be looked upon as the first ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre’ of the new millennium. For a lot of people, Hostel will do for pack packing what Jaws did for swimming in the water. Hostel is a massive achievement, and the fact that most of it will be in tact in theaters (probably because the name ‘Tarantino’ is attached) is amazing. You’ll see what I mean.
I love Hostel, and I wasn’t paid to say that. Keep your good eye out for Hostel’s release, December 21st
Zitat:Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. As I write this, I'm finally back in Austin after a whirlwind 4 day trip to Los Angeles. In that time I visited the set of a much anticipated movie from a big geek favorite filmmaker, I got recruited to be one of the armed homeless, I saw the greatest band in the world for charity, had some amazing Argentinean food and got myself into what I hear is the last test screening for Eli Roth's HOSTEL.
Strangely enough this is kinda how I saw Roth's first movie, CABIN FEVER. I found myself in LA... I believe this was the trip where I went to the big AICN RULES OF ATTRACTION premiere screening at the Egyptian Theater. I was staying at a hell-hole motel that'd make BARTON FINK proud and I got wind of there being a screening of that horror movie that made a lot of noise at Toronto at this place called Harmony Gold on Sunset not too far away from my hotel room.
I didn't have an invitation or know anybody involved in the screening or the film, but I did know the when and where, so I just showed up. I walked into this place, which didn't look a damn thing like a movie theater... more of an advertising agency lobby, and found no one asking me for proof that I was supposed to be there, so I followed the others into a room that turned out to be the theater and just took a seat.
My CABIN FEVER review was a positive one, but warned of the hype surrounding the film. The reviews coming out of Toronto were stellar, promising the film to be brilliant American horror. I had fun with the movie, liked the quirky universe that Roth created, but it certainly wasn't the second coming of horror and I couldn't stress enough in my CABIN FEVER review to not listen to the hype. I believe to this day that a lot of the negative reaction to the movie is from people who expected it to be a new EXORCIST or PSYCHO or SHINING, when in reality it's more of a new MY BLOODY VALENTINE or SLEEPAWAY CAMP, a film that places more importance on the quirky characters, comedic moments and gore than on pure horror.
And so I will start my HOSTEL review with a similar warning. Don't go into this movie expecting the most sick, disgusting, perverted movie you've ever seen. Go into it knowing that a lot of horror geeks from Toronto and yours truly really liked the movie and recommend it. It certainly isn't the first great American horror film in a decade, but it also stands heads and tails above the bland studio horror work of recent memory. The film is a success, but if you go into it thinking it'll be the best thing you'll see this year then I'm willing to bet you'll be let down.
The story follows a group of college kids backpacking across Europe being... well, college kids. They party, smoke the legal chiba, fuck the hot European women. Shortly after we meet these guys they are told of this off the map hostel buried deep in the Czech Republic. This place is filled with gorgeous women, we're told, who never see American boys and are desperate for any young male with an American accent that they'll just be lining up to fuck each and every one of the group.
Our American kids are Jay Hernandez (FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS, CRAZY/BEAUTIFUL), Derek Richardson (yes, he was in DUMB & DUMBERER, but wait a minute... I'm about to love up on him in a second) and Eythor Gudjonsson, a newcomer. Actually, Eythor isn't an American, but actually a European who our American pair meet up with on their journey. He becomes one of the group and joins them in their debauchery.
Off of the Toronto reviews, I had expected the first part of the film to be my least favorite segment of the film since the horror of the film doesn't start until well into the picture, letting the first half effectively become a raunchy teen comedy. There's even a scene on a train that reminded me a whole lot of ROAD TRIP... except a bit creepier and with what happens later... well, the scene plays differently once the end credits roll and you think back on the film you just witnessed.
So, I expected the opening to be filler for the gore later, but I was very surprised to find that I got to like the main characters. I didn't think I would even when the film started. I remember thinking to myself that these guys were douchebags in the first 5 minutes, posing, macho assholes. However that impression quickly dissolved as Roth introduces us to their camaraderie and starts making us laugh along with them.
I know some people hate when a film changes gears (ie FROM DUSK TILL DAWN) on them, but I honestly don't think the hardcore violence that happens later, after the kids arrive in the Czech Republic, would matter much if Roth didn't make us like these guys before torturing the hell out of them.
Jay Hernandez is an incredibly likable lead. This was the real surprise of the film for me. I really didn't expect Hernandez to be as good as he is in this film. He has a scene where he's tied up and pleading for his life that is as real and well-performed as any previous performance in the genre.
Eythor Gudjonsson is likewise a damn likable character, full of smiles and you can tell from his face that he's enjoying every little minute of life. I can't believe this is his first time in front of a camera. He's a natural.
Derek Richardson will make you forget he was ever in DUMB & DUMBERER, which is the highest compliment I could give him. He's the nice guy of the group and the easiest to like. Of course that bodes ill for him in a film like this. hehe
Jan Vlasak as "The German Businessman" is fuckin' creepy in this film. I won't go into why that is, but I will say it's all in the eyes. His eyes are piercing, intelligent and glinting with madness.
Barbara Nedeljakova and Jana Kaderabkova play the Czech hotties. The brunette (I think that's Barbara, but don't quote me on that) stole my heart. They're both beautiful, but the brunette is hot-hot-hot. They are pretty and get all kinds of naked, but may not be up to any good...
Petr Janis as "The German Surgeon" is... well, he is Roth's future Movie Maniac, Now Playing or Cult Classics figure. He's not the main villain of the piece, but he's the most iconic... rail thin, insane eyes.. and what he does... If you ever see a HOSTEL figure, I guarantee it'll be of this character.
That brings us to the horror of the film. This isn't a scary movie. It's not that kind of horror. No cat jumps through a window, no stalker is hiding in the pantry, waiting to pounce out right when the music fades. This is the kind of horror that makes you squirm in your chair. This is the end of AUDITION scary, not FRIDAY THE 13TH scary.
The gore is handled well and is plentiful. It is a sadistic film and is probably the hardest American movie you'll see in theaters this year, but like I said above this one won't make you run screaming for the hills. Well, it might, but I think that might be due to the sheer amount of naked breasts, likely to drive men mad.
The much talked about cameo by Takashi Miike is great and perfect nod to one of the tonal influences of the film. You can also see AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON (edited by George Folsey, who also edited HOSTEL, strangely enough) in the film (red and green jackets on the kids) as well as a rather blatant nod to SUICIDE CIRCLE.
As a sophomore effort, this is a step up for Eli Roth. The scope of the film is large and doesn't show its small budget at all. Lots of wide shots of very visually appealing little Europe towns, lots of location shooting. The film is open, moves to many different locations. It looks like it cost $20 million and I'm pretty sure it cost a fraction of that.
So, that's about that. I hear the film has gone through the MPAA almost completely unscathed, which is fantastic news for us gorehounds. I also just read on Bloody-Disgusting that Lions Gate has nailed down a January 6th, 2006 release date. Now that we have a release date, I'd wager we'd see a trailer soon, probably on SAW 2.
This was my impression without the two or three digital effects shots (none of these digital shots were gore scenes, by the way) finished, only a small amount of the sound design done and no finished score.
My biggest recommendation about this film is drop your expectations. I know this is a pretty glowing review and I mean every word of it. If you go into the movie expecting it to be good and a different kind of horror movie than you're used to seeing come from a studio, then you won't be disappointed. If you go into the film expecting it pull a "THE FREAK" on ya' ("This movie won't just scare you, it will fuck you up for life"... Kudos to those who get that reference) then it'll fall short.
I think Roth will win a lot of people over with this film. Let's just hope HOSTEL doesn't drown in hype before it even has a chance for release.
<center>![[Bild: 31280x10240se0me8mg.jpg]](http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/2658/31280x10240se0me8mg.jpg)
Kinostart US:
6. Jan. 2006
Kinostart DE:
ca. April (?)
Vorab Reviews:
Super High Resolution: http://lionsgate.arcostream.net/lionsgate/hostel/clips/hostel_7_700.wmv
High Resolution: http://lionsgate.arcostream.net/lionsgate/hostel/clips/hostel_7_300.wmv
Medium Resolution: http://lionsgate.arcostream.net/lionsgate/hostel/clips/hostel_7_150.wmv
Low Resolution: http://lionsgate.arcostream.net/lionsgate/hostel/clips/hostel_7_56.wmv
Zwei amerikanische Freunde machen eine Rucksacktour quer durch Europa, immer auf der Suche nach Sex und Drogen. Als ihn dann ein Fremder von einer Herberge in der Slovakai erzaehlt, wo huebsche Frauen es mit jedem Auslaender tun, zoegern die beide natuerlich nicht lange und machen sich sofort auf den Weg dorthin. Waehrend der erste Tag in der Herberge zum wahren Traum wird (viele schoene Frauen die sie von oben bis unten verwoehnen), ist am naechsten Morgen ploetzlich alles anders. Sie muessen merken das die Herberge ganz und gar nicht das erhoffte Paradies ist, sondern ein abscheulicher Ort des Grauens, den es gilt so schnell wie moeglich zu verlassen.</center>
dank an dvd-forum.at fuer die ganzen infos!
Tarantino Presents: HOSTEL - Horror-Schocker auf Platz 1(US) - Nausea - 11.01.2006
Hatte den trailer vor ein paar monaten gesehen und bin sehr gespannt
Tarantino Presents: HOSTEL - Horror-Schocker auf Platz 1(US) - DasThiem - 11.01.2006
mach mir das nicht mit trailern, reviews, plot outlines etc. kaputt, ich guck den ganz unvoreingenommen. Das Poster sieht schonmal krank aus.
Tarantino Presents: HOSTEL - Horror-Schocker auf Platz 1(US) - Wizz21 - 11.01.2006
*sabber* den muss ich sehen
Tarantino Presents: HOSTEL - Horror-Schocker auf Platz 1(US) - elSalvadore - 11.01.2006
DasThiem schrieb:mach mir das nicht mit trailern, reviews, plot outlines etc. kaputt, ich guck den ganz unvoreingenommen. Das Poster sieht schonmal krank aus.
dito. hab ich bei sin city auch gemacht
Tarantino Presents: HOSTEL - Horror-Schocker auf Platz 1(US) - malde - 11.01.2006
der trailer ist nur krank und macht eindeutig lust auf mehr...
Tarantino Presents: HOSTEL - Horror-Schocker auf Platz 1(US) - Lord-Icon - 11.01.2006
DasThiem schrieb:mach mir das nicht mit trailern, reviews, plot outlines etc. kaputt, ich guck den ganz unvoreingenommen.
Tarantino Presents: HOSTEL - Horror-Schocker auf Platz 1(US) - DasThiem - 11.01.2006
Lord-Icon schrieb:DasThiem schrieb:mach mir das nicht mit trailern, reviews, plot outlines etc. kaputt, ich guck den ganz unvoreingenommen.
suess vielleicht, aber bei vielen filmen sehr sinnvoll
Tarantino Presents: HOSTEL - Horror-Schocker auf Platz 1(US) - braindad - 11.01.2006
danke fpr die infos. bin ja mal gespannt. ich hoffe allerdings, dass sich der film nicht nur ueber blutorgien und gewalt definiert...
Tarantino Presents: HOSTEL - Horror-Schocker auf Platz 1(US) - elSalvadore - 11.01.2006
hmm, aber irgendwie juckts doch in meinen fingern...
Tarantino Presents: HOSTEL - Horror-Schocker auf Platz 1(US) - DasThiem - 11.01.2006
elSalvadore schrieb:hmm, aber irgendwie juckts doch in meinen fingern...
den trailer zu gucken / infos zu sammeln ? Mich auch
Tarantino Presents: HOSTEL - Horror-Schocker auf Platz 1(US) - Wizz21 - 12.01.2006
braindad schrieb:ich hoffe allerdings, dass sich der film nicht nur ueber blutorgien und gewalt definiert...
also ich schon B)
nee spass beiseite, aber ein bisschen blut tut immer gut...
Tarantino Presents: HOSTEL - Horror-Schocker auf Platz 1(US) - PunkZERO - 12.01.2006
Tarantino Presents: HOSTEL - Horror-Schocker auf Platz 1(US) - dorftrottel - 18.01.2006
Jo, hab ihn jetzt gesehen. Ist auch nur nen Film, jetzt nicht wirklich was besonderes, keine besondere Story, keine besonderen Splattereffekte.
Nen durschnuttlicher Film halt, die IMDB Bewertung trifft es eigentlich auf den Punkt, und die war zur Zeit dieses Beitrag 6,7 oder so.
Tarantino Presents: HOSTEL - Horror-Schocker auf Platz 1(US) - Lord-Icon - 19.01.2006
wie issn die quali vom cam-rip?