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[Myspace]Tacheless Album release at the end of January!!! - Druckversion

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[Myspace]Tacheless Album release at the end of January!!! - Nausea - 08.01.2009

tach zusammen
so lang hats gedauert aber alles wird gut Smile
unser album kommt ende januar endlich raus.
habe mal den blog text einfach kopiert.

Hey Folks!

Now it's official! We'll release our debut album within this month!
After the close down of our former label MOD Records we tried hard
to find a new label to put out our debut album. But every label we contacted gave us shit ,
so the only way to put the album out without ripping off someone (including ourselves)
was to launch our own label called MORLOCK Records!
We'll release 'FREIHEIT' in a Do It Your Self manner without any compromise!
The album will come out in a retro styled vinyl look CD with gatefold card wallet
and a free sticker! 'FREIHEIT' will be available for the ridiculous price of only 5,-€
at our MySpace-site by the end of this month!

Any Band who's interested in releasing their shit in a D.I.Y. manner is very welcome
to contact our label Morlock Records at this Email Adress:
We LOVE to release music of any kind, as long it has body and soul!

In Grind we Crust!


[Bild: commercial.jpg]

Gruß Nausea

RE: [Myspace]Tacheless Album release at the end of January!!! - padrak - 08.01.2009

you got PN Smile

RE: [Myspace]Tacheless Album release at the end of January!!! - malde - 08.01.2009

[Bild: fahrer.gif]

RE: [Myspace]Tacheless Album release at the end of January!!! - PunkZERO - 08.01.2009


RE: [Myspace]Tacheless Album release at the end of January!!! - Nausea - 08.01.2009


RE: [Myspace]Tacheless Album release at the end of January!!! - elSalvadore - 09.01.2009

Klingt nach nem guten Job! Uglyl

RE: [Myspace]Tacheless Album release at the end of January!!! - braindad - 09.01.2009

aaah, wie geil Smile

bei myspace lausch ich nachher mal in ruhe rein

meine freundin lässt übrigens fragen, was ihr bei weiblichen fahrern macht...schlaft ihr da dann mit deren freund und trinkt ihren prosecco?!

RE: [Myspace]Tacheless Album release at the end of January!!! - Nausea - 09.01.2009

haha brain gute frage die muss ich ja mal direkt weiterleiten Smile

RE: [Myspace]Tacheless Album release at the end of January!!! - Nausea - 24.01.2009

so neue songs sind up!
nächste woche schick ich dir die cds zu !!!!
ist gestern released worden Smile

RE: [Myspace]Tacheless Album release at the end of January!!! - padrak - 24.01.2009

Danke! Smile