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RIBSPREADER - Opus Ribcage (2009) - Druckversion

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RIBSPREADER - Opus Ribcage (2009) - padrak - 04.03.2009

[Bild: ribspreaderopusribcagehmsy.jpg]

VÖ: 2009

Genre: Oldschool Death Metal

Label: Vic Records

Herkunftsland: Schweden

Für Fans von: siehe Genre


01. Opus Ribcage (Intro)
02. Dying Dead Decomposed
03. Corpse Dumpster
04. Septic Severance
05. None Has Survived
06. Death And Beyond
07. Torn Flesh Satisfaction
08. River Of Rot
09. The Skeletal Empire
10. Fermenting Fields
11. Blitzkrieg Pop

Spielzeit: 33:36

Persönlicher Nachtrag:
Innovation gegen null und das ist auch gut so. Wobei Rogga langsam aufpassen muss, dass es nicht zuviele Projekte werden.
Ribspreader haben übrigens keine Live-Auftritte...

Meine Wertung: 7.5/10



RE: RIBSPREADER - Opus Ribcage (2009) - Kane - 04.03.2009

cooles schwedengerumpel für zwischendurch mit nem (ausnahmsweise mal) gutem sänger

RE: RIBSPREADER - Opus Ribcage (2009) - mshannes - 04.03.2009

Huch, die sind noch aktiv? Interessant...

RE: RIBSPREADER - Opus Ribcage (2009) - Kane - 08.03.2009

das ding läuft bei mir seit tagen in dauerrotation, geile scheibe Ylsuper

RE: RIBSPREADER - Opus Ribcage (2009) - dorftrottel - 08.03.2009

Das klingt nicht schlecht - mal reinhören Smile

RE: RIBSPREADER - Opus Ribcage (2009) - Aasfresser - 10.03.2009

je öfter ich es höre desto besser gefällt es mir! vor allem ist das ramones cover mal derbe geil Rocker

Ribspreader - Opus Ribcage - chris2711 - 07.04.2009

[Bild: rib_opus.jpg]

Zitat:We all know by now not to judge a book by its cover, and in the case of the 3rd Ribspreader full-length, you should try to ignore the horrendous artwork. Perhaps they were lax in getting this out, or perhaps it is some failed attempt at minimalism, but it's an eyesore best avoided.

The album itself doesn't fare so poorly, as it's another of Rogga's loving tributes to the old school Swedish death tone. Simple concepts and simple riffs fuel an even further stripped down approach than the band's previous efforts. After a tasteful and catchy acoustic intro, the charnel crunch of "Dying dead decomposed" grinds your entrails. "Corpse Dumpster" has some groove and slam to it but most importantly I enjoyed how the creepy open picking of the chorus, which sent me back in time to what I used to love about this genre. Pure menace. Other great tracks include the grooving "Septic Severance", the catchy, haunting melodies which kick off "Dead and Beyond". The doom of "The Skeletal Empire" parts way for some face rocking tone. In fact, most of the songs here are good with the exception of the Ramones cover.

Where does it place next to their earlier albums? I'd say that it took a few spins to grow on me, but I now enjoy it as much as Congregating the Sick. It's a little dirtier but the repulsive tones and guttural simplicity have a raw appeal which isn't always present in these retro death metal releases. Just get that cover art out of my face.
[8/10] Quelle: klick

Ein Wort: Oldschool! Und zwar Death Metal, an den Vocals:
Zitat:Roger "Rogga" Johansson - Guitar, Bass, Vocals (Carve, Paganizer, Demiurg (Swe), Banished From Inferno, Edge Of Sanity, Deranged (Swe), Eaten, Those Who Bring The Torture, Putrevore, Revolting)

RE: Ribspreader - Opus Ribcage - padrak - 07.04.2009

Gefällt mir nicht ganz so gut wie anderen unzähligen Projekte von Rogga.

Die neue Paganizer EP "Scandinavian Warfare" schwächelt allerdings auch etwas.

Wahrscheinlich doch zuviele Bands parallel...

RE: Ribspreader - Opus Ribcage - Aasfresser - 07.04.2009

Hatten wir davon nicht schon mal ein review?
Ich mag die Scheibe, die Songs haben nen recht hochen Wiedererkennungswert Uthumb
Höre die zwischendurch immer wieder gerne ^^

RE: Ribspreader - Opus Ribcage - chris2711 - 07.04.2009

Oh ja, sorry, hab ich übersehen.

Bitte zusammenfügen oder sowas.

RE: RIBSPREADER - Opus Ribcage (2009) - padrak - 07.04.2009

done Smile

Meine Meinung ist ja dieselbe geblieben Smile

RE: RIBSPREADER - Opus Ribcage (2009) - padrak - 24.03.2011

Neues Album "The Van Murders" wäre draußen...

RE: RIBSPREADER - Opus Ribcage (2009) - Aasfresser - 24.03.2011

cool, mal suchen und antesten.

RE: RIBSPREADER - Opus Ribcage (2009) - Kane - 24.03.2011

da muss ich doch auch mal suchen gehen