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Jack Blades will DAMN YANKEES Reunion - Druckversion

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Jack Blades will DAMN YANKEES Reunion - Wizz21 - 13.08.2009

Zitat:Jack Blades has revealed to Classic Rock that he would love to do a new Damn Yankees album.

However, the Night Ranger bassist/vocalist says there are practical problems:

"You try to co-ordinate everyone's schedules! I talk all the time to Ted [Nugent], and Night Ranger are about to tour in America with Styx, so Tommy [Shaw] and I will get the chance to write. But, at the moment another Damn Yankees album seems a long way off."

Blades, though, is working on a new solo album, and also a second record with Tommy Shaw.

"We hope to have the have the Shaw Blades album [to be titled Influence 2] out soon. It's got some cool stuff. We've done a version of Elton John's Tiny Dancer, with Bun E. Carlos of Cheap Trick on drums. It's come out so well."

Courtesy of and

Michse ist auch dafür! Woot

Das war schon eine verdammt geile Band!