RE: Der BoM-NFL-Thread - Kane - 31.10.2010
so kann man nicht verlieren...geschickt
RE: Der BoM-NFL-Thread - elSalvadore - 01.11.2010
(31.10.2010, 19:45)elSalvadore schrieb: EDIT: Achja, Go Titans, Go Steelers, Go Redskins. Da hab ich Wetten drauf laufen 
RE: Der BoM-NFL-Thread - PunkZERO - 01.11.2010
Bei den Steelers weiss ich s ja noch nicht (und gnade Gott dem, der mri das spoilert), aber in den anderen Fällen: mein Beileid.
Und zum Thema Jets @ Packers
Also dass das auch unspektakulär werden kann, war irgendwie einkalkuliert, aber dass das SO langwilig wird und die Packers einfach das Glück hatten, dass ihr Kicker zufälligerweise dreimal in Reichweite kommt......
V.A. blöde deswegen, weil der Kicker der Jets mein Kicker beim Fantasy Football ist und dementsprechend 0 Punkte eingefahren hat -.-
RE: Der BoM-NFL-Thread - PunkZERO - 01.11.2010
Zitat:The Minnesota Vikings waived wide receiver Randy Moss Monday, NFL Network's Michael Lombardi reports.
Moss did not fly back to Minnesota with the team following a 28-18 loss to the New England Patriots Sunday, according to Lombardi.
Vikings coach Brad Childres informed the team of the move in a meeting Monday morning. Fox Sports and NFL Network contributor Jay Glazer reports that the move came as a total surprise to players and some members of the Vikings staff.
Moss, acquired by the Vikings in a trade with the New England Patriots following Week 4, appeared in just four games with Minnesota in 2010, catching 13 passes for 174 yards and two touchdowns.
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The Vikings sent New England a third-round pick in 2011 in exchange for Moss and a seventh-round pick in 2012.
The Vikings originally drafted Moss in 1998 with the 21st pick in the NFL draft.
Vikings linebacker Ben Leber told the Minneapolis Star-Tribune that Childress didn't give the team a reason for cutting Moss.
"(He) just wanted to give everybody a heads-up and say this is what's going on, and that's it," Leber said. "He didn't really dive into any details, and just said that's what were going to go with."
Moss' much anticipated return to New England as a Viking Sunday proved to be anticlimactic, until the game was over that is.
After catching just one pass for eight yards, Moss was seen embracing Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, coach Bill Belichick and other ex-teammates.
An emotional Moss then addressed the media -- something he was fined $25,000 for not doing during the week leading up to the game -- about coming back to Gillette Stadium just weeks after having been traded.
"It was hard for me to come here to play, an up and down thing. I was on a roller coaster all week," said Moss. "To see these guys running plays and I know what they are doing, I know what type of feeling they have in the locker room.
"I miss every last helmet in that locker room."
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While saluting the Patriots' performance Sunday, Moss also appeared to question his own coaching staff's preparation for the game.
"I tried to prepare; tried to talk to the coaches and players about how this game was going to be played – a couple tendencies here and a couple tendencies there," Moss said. "But the bad part about it, you have six days to prepare for a team and on (Sunday ... they come over to me and say, 'Dang, Moss, you were right about a couple plays and a couple schemes that they were going to run.'
"It hurts as a player that you put a lot of hard work in all week and toward the end of the week, Sunday, when you get on the field, that is when they acknowledge the hard work you have put in all week. So that is a disappointment."
Moss now has 24 hours for a team to claim him and his contract off waivers. If Moss is unclaimed, he will become a free agent, but the remainder of his contract will be paid by the Vikings. Moss would then have the opportunity to earn even more money through a new deal with a new team.
Childress downplayed Moss' comments Sunday. "Not at present, I don't. No," Childress said when asked if he regretted trading for Moss. "I just think he was going back to a spot that he has a lot of affection for.
"I thought by and large those comments were regarding the people there, the coach there, the ownership there. And obviously there's a fondness in his heart for those guys on that football team.
"Hey, you'd like to go out there and beat their tails off. There's nothing he would like better. At the same time, he enjoyed his stay there."
O_o.....also das kommt schon unerwartet....
RE: Der BoM-NFL-Thread - elSalvadore - 01.11.2010
Ich weiß grad echt nicht was ich dazu sagen soll.
RE: Der BoM-NFL-Thread - PunkZERO - 01.11.2010
Er bleibt wohl doch erstmal Viking, da sie ihn nicht direkt weg-traden konnten; sie behalten sich aber vor, ihn unter der Woche noch aus dem Vertrag zu entlassen.
RE: Der BoM-NFL-Thread - elSalvadore - 02.11.2010
Ok, jetzt wirds richtig schräg, NFL Network berichtet, dass Childress die Entscheidung wohl ohne Absprache mit dem Front Office durchgezogen hat.
RE: Der BoM-NFL-Thread - PunkZERO - 02.11.2010
O_o da wird das letzte Wort noch nicht gesprochen sein
RE: Der BoM-NFL-Thread - elSalvadore - 02.11.2010
Zitat:"This decision was made based on what we thought was in the best interests of the Minnesota Vikings, both in the short and long," head coach Brad Childress said in a statement. "We wish Randy the best as he moves forward in his career."
Sources close to the situation told Schefter that Vikings owner Zygi Wilf is angry that his team plans to waive a player he wanted in Minnesota. Wilf played a major role in the re-acquisition of Moss and is unhappy with the way Monday's events regarding Moss unfolded.
Fire Childress.
RE: Der BoM-NFL-Thread - PunkZERO - 02.11.2010
HM...ich hab ja kenie Ahnung, was da vorgefallen ist, aber der Childress ist schon ne ziemliche Mimose anscheinend....oder der Moss hat wirklich was ausgefressen.
EDIT: Jetzt ist es definitiv durch: Childress confirms Vikings plan to waive Moss.
RE: Der BoM-NFL-Thread - elSalvadore - 02.11.2010
Der Stand nach Week 8:
PunkZERO: (+8) 68 - Quote: 61,26%
Salva: (+8) 68 - Quote: 61,26%
von 111 Spielen
RE: Der BoM-NFL-Thread - PunkZERO - 02.11.2010
Titans, Rams, Seahawks und Dolphins haben schon Interesse angemeldet, Moss verpflichten zu wollen
RE: Der BoM-NFL-Thread - elSalvadore - 02.11.2010
Ich hoffe echt, dass die Aktion Childress den Job kostet und ein Head Coach verpflichtet wird, der schon nen Ring am Finger hat. Das kann doch nicht angehen, dass man mit soviel Talent im Team nichts anfangen kann. Normalerweise müsste jetzt schon der zweite SB Run stattfinden, stattdessen dümpelt man am Niveau der Lions herum.
RE: Der BoM-NFL-Thread - PunkZERO - 04.11.2010
Randy Moss hat sich den Tennesee Titans angeschlossen, denen er die 3 Millionen Dollar wert war.
War allerdings auch mein Tip, da er da prima Kenny Britt ergänzen kann und mit (einem endlich sein Potential abrufenden) Kenny Britt und Randy Moss als Receiver und Chris Johnson als Running Back haben die Titans jetzt eine recht manierliche Offensivabteilung aufzuweisen.
RE: Der BoM-NFL-Thread - padrak - 06.11.2010
Ich habe gerade wohl das spannendste College Football Spiel meines Lebens gesehen.
Michigian schlägt Illinois vor 110.000 Zuschauern (!) mit 67:65 nach der 3.Verlängerung