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Total Commander 6.0..
.... ist <a href='http://safeurl.de/?http://www.ghisler.com/' target='_blank'>draussen</a>
THX !!!
Geiles Teil !
danke fuer den Hinweis Woot
werds mal ziehen. danke
den zieh ich mir auch, danke fuer den tipp Rocker
ich bleib beim speed commander Smile
Ich finde den Speed Commander auch besser
Total Commander 6.01 Beta 2

- Infos + download <a href='http://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=2360' target='_blank'>http://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=2360</a>

Zitat:26.11.03 Release Total Commander 6.01 Beta 2
26.11.03  Fixed: Could not start programs or open files in a path called %temp% (was translated to env var TEMP)
26.11.03  Fixed: When re-packing encrypted archive with new password, by mistake the old password was re-used
26.11.03  Fixed: Don't open new tab when invoking start menu entry via user-defined hotkey (cm_usermenu1...) with Ctrl
26.11.03  Fixed: No refresh of file lists after unzipping from encrypted zip (using encryption replacement dll)
25.11.03  Fixed: Open ZIP self-extractors with comments up to 16k at end (until now: 8k)
25.11.03  Fixed: Lister: Search for DBCS (Chinese etc.) could find wrong character, starting in the middle of a 2 byte char
25.11.03  Fixed: In Show - Custom, if user enters empty string, convert it to *.* so something is shown in the menu
25.11.03  Fixed: Feed in listbox of duplicate file search, switch to different tab+back -> separator lines were lost
25.11.03  Fixed: No drive icons shown when using white for the font in normal windows
25.11.03  Fixed: possible access violation opening partial zip
25.11.03  Fixed: Deflate64 not working correctly with all ZIP archives (giving CRC error)
24.11.03  Fixed: Error in detect string of flashview plugin was causing access violation. Show error instead.
24.11.03  Fixed: Color of font in new config dialog list not as configured in control panel
24.11.03  Fixed: Also translate hints for history+hotlist buttons when changing the program language
24.11.03  Fixed: Search for RegEx in lister not working for accents in Ascii mode
24.11.03  Fixed: No sound played after unpacking single archive with Alt+F9
24.11.03  Fixed: Support env vars also in keypath variable
24.11.03  Fixed: Wrong sound played when unpacking via external unpacker in background
23.11.03  Fixed: Search: Don't allow to check both regex+unicode (not supported)
23.11.03  Fixed: When opening a new tab with Ctrl+Up and locking it without activating it first, clicking on it always opened a new tab
23.11.03  Fixed: Crash when opening ZIP file with certain extra field data
23.11.03  Fixed: Resize problem when switching between modes "tabs on multiple lines" and "all have same width" when more than 1 line
23.11.03  Fixed: Changed maximum possible tab width so they always match on screen (when all have same width)
23.11.03  Fixed: Couldn't load drive replacement icons on Win9x. Reason: LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE not understood
23.11.03  Fixed: 16-bit version: Some dialogs couldn't be opened (not enough local heap)

19.11.03 Release Total Commander 6.01 beta 1
19.11.03  Fixed: No environment variables supported in path to main menu and language file
19.11.03  Fixed: Don't show tree button in background transfer manager - overwrite - rename dialog (caused hang)
19.11.03  Fixed: Background transfer manager: remove item from list if "-" button is used to skip current transfer
19.11.03  Fixed: Don't show two errors when aborting background transfer manager
19.11.03  Fixed: Couldn't create multipart ACE SFX archives
19.11.03  Fixed: 16-bit version: Ctrl+Q no longer working
19.11.03  Fixed: Hourglass cursor shown after checking single archive with Alt+Shift+F9
19.11.03  Fixed: The Pause button didn't work for FTP uploads via a HTTP proxy
19.11.03  Fixed: Apply button not enabled in configuration-copy/delete in field "drives on same disk"
19.11.03  Fixed: "Show admin shares" no longer working on Windows NT
19.11.03  Fixed: Check for absence of "Microsoft Sans Serif" font failed, resulting in the wrong font (e.g. on WinNT4)
19.11.03  Fixed: Ctrl+Q with IEView plugin no longer working on dirs
19.11.03  Fixed: "Duplicate this tab" wasn't working for search results, now it works at least for the current tab
19.11.03  Fixed: cm_editpath not working in brief view when other than first column was active
19.11.03  Fixed: invalid floating point operation in lister when pressing F2 on very short file if this file was changed
Zitat:Total Commander 6.02 Beta 3 - Dateimanager

Bei dem Total Commander (frueher unter dem Namen Windows Commander bekannt) handelt es sich um einen Dateimanager fuer Windows. Er bietet die Moeglichkeit zum Vergleichen von Dateien, zum Synchronisieren von Ordnern, zum Entpacken von allen bekannten Archiven sowie zum Verbinden zu einem FTP-Server.

Das ist neu an dieser Build:

Added: Specially sorted totalcmd.inc for internal commands as proposed in the Total Commander forum

Fixed: Regular expressions: catch crash in regex library caused by string ^??

Fixed: Enter on LNK files to files not working with TabEnterDirChange>0

Fixed: Sync tool: No delete before copy for files on file system plugins or ftp

Fixed: Increased limit of commands in totalcmd.inc from 250 to 350

Added: Cursor right in inplace rename will put cursor directly after selection

Fixed: Inplace rename (Shift+F6) will now always select the entire directory name regardless of the RenameSelOnlyName option

Verkaufspreis: Das Programm ist Shareware und kostet als Vollversion 28€.

Weitere Infos: <a href='http://www.ghisler.com' target='_blank'>http://www.ghisler.com</a>

Download: Software-Download <a href='http://ghisler.fileburst.com/pubbeta/tcmdr602beta3.exe' target='_blank'>http://ghisler.fileburst.com/pubbeta/tcmdr602beta3.exe</a>
Zitat:Total Commander Version 6.03

Total Commander Version 6.03, ist ein Shareware- Dateimanager fuer Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP, sowie Windows 3.1.

Neu (14. April): Total Commander 6.03 fuer Windows verfuegbar

Wichtige Eigenschaften von Total Commander 6.03:
Zwei Dateifenster nebeneinander
Unterstuetzt mehrere Sprachen
Erweiterte Suchfunktion
Dateivergleich nach Inhalt / Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
Unterstuetzt Archivformate ZIP, ARJ, LZH, RAR, UC2, CAB, TAR, GZ, ACE
Eingebauter FTP-Zugang
Parallelport-Verbindung, Mehrfach-Umbenenntool
Neu: Mehrseitiges Interface, regulaere Ausdruecke, Knoepfe fuer Verlauf+Favoriten Und viele mehr!

14. April 2004: Total Commander 6.03 ist ab sofort verfuegbar. Die neue Version korrigiert mehrere Probleme, vor allem mit den neuen Funktionen in Total Commander 6.0. Das Update korrigiert ausserdem eine Inkompatibilitaet zwischen der Kopiermethode fuer grosse Dateien (einstellbar ueber Konfigurieren - Einstellungen - Kopieren/Loeschen) und bestimmten Adaptec RAID5-Controllern, welche zu beschaedigten Daten fuehren koennen - mehr Infos. Update dringend empfohlen!
<a href='http://www.ghisler.com/ddownload.htm' target='_blank'>http://www.ghisler.com/ddownload.htm</a>

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