18.05.2008, 23:18
Zitat:Mr. Blocko: Super Tournament Edition
Tetris/Mr Driller Jump n Run Mix
1 MB
Single Player oder bis zu 4 im Multiplayer Modus
echt spassig...mit nem kleinen maennchen die tetris steine zurecht ruecken und tetris like in einer reihe zum verschwinden bringen...double jump?...8fach jump !
im multiplayer (leider nur offline) den gegenuebern aufn kopf jumpen um punkte abzusahnen in form von muenzen...
Zitat:Mr. Blocko: Super Tournament Edition looks like Tetris at first glance, however instead of controlling the blocks, you control a little square guy who pushes them around. The goal is the same: Clear lines to gain points. However, you only gain points for the blocks in your color, and the only way to turn blocks into your color is to push them!