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[MYSPACE] Planet Gemini
Doom/Stoner der ganz bösen Sorte. Die Gitarren kommen gerade mit Kopfhörern übelst brachial rüber.

Die Band (mittlerweile nur noch eine One-Man Show) bietet das aktuelle Album "Wicked" zum Download auf der Homepage an.

Von dieser Scheibe bin ich auch ziemlich begeistert. Ältere Alben werden demnächst angetestet.

Zitat:Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Clause, and he”s bringing free stoner rock to all the high little boys and girls. Oh, you already download music on Soulseek? Well fuck you, Virginia.

The prolific Planet Gemini has released a new album of old school doom. H(ellion), who”s been flying solo for a couple of years now, actually recorded Wicked in 2006, but chose to let it ferment on the shelf for a couple of years. The resulting self-recorded, self-produced self-release is fan-fucking-tastic. There are more hooks in Wicked than in a pond behind a nursing home in the Northwest.

“Incantation” kicks things off with a slow progression capped by feedback and a meandering guitar solo that sojourns into “Grim (My God of Red),” a song which shares the many of the same des c r i p tors. Driving songs like “Silver Strings” and “Preachin” to the Choir” will make you wish gas prices were low enough that you could blast these songs while doing 80 down the high way. On the low and evil side are “Minus” and “Author of Pain.” Wicked has plenty of brain-scrambling guitar solos that, when doubled-up, create haunting dissonance. The Planet Gemini formula goes something like this: wailing vocals + chewy guitars + driving drums + dual guitar solos = instant classics.

Fans of the defunct Halloween Cauldron of Fuzz series may be a bit peeved by the abundance of studio tweaks; but anyone who has a knee jerk reaction to heavy production without giving a record a chance is probably an elitist douche bag. Wicked is a great album that can be appreciated by anyone who likes electric guitars. As far as one-man bands go, Planet Gemini is one of the best, and sure as shit beats the hell outta Bert.




Nachrichten in diesem Thema
[MYSPACE] Planet Gemini - von padrak - 24.10.2008, 10:51
RE: [MYSPACE] Planet Gemini - von malde - 24.10.2008, 11:48
RE: [MYSPACE] Planet Gemini - von malde - 24.10.2008, 13:37
RE: [MYSPACE] Planet Gemini - von padrak - 24.10.2008, 14:49
RE: [MYSPACE] Planet Gemini - von malde - 24.10.2008, 16:27
RE: [MYSPACE] Planet Gemini - von Wizz21 - 24.10.2008, 16:53

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