14.08.2009, 08:54
Zitat:Nach seinen Äußerungen im englischen Metal Hammer, dass AC/DC immer dasselbe machen würden, rudert Dave Mustaine von MEGADETH nun auf der Bandhomepage zurück und sagt, dass diese Äußerung kindisch war - aber lest sebst:.
Das komplette Kommetar von Dave auf der Homepage:
I just read the front page of our beloved webmaster's news clippings about me talking to Metal Hammer about Acca Dacca, and I am so disappointed in how I said what I said.
No excuses, I didn't say what I was trying to say, and what I said is rude and childish. Not my style (well, at least not my style for the last decade or so, thank God), and I am even offended at what I said. I have never in thirty plus years disrespected AC/DC one of my favorite bands in the whole world; I think I just got too comfortable and forgot that we were recording and I was being an ass.
My apologies to my friends, especially Brian; that just did not come out right at all and I'm sorry bro. "
Und hier die Äußerungen im Interview des englischen Metal Hammer:
“I love AC/DC and I”ve always been a fan of AC/DC,” says Mustaine. “Bon Scott was my frontman. I love and respect Brian, but it”s the same record. They”ve been making the same record for 20 years. I love ”˜em, but it”s the same stuff, so you don”t need to buy the record, just go to the concert. With us, it”s kind of like the concert”s always the same but the records change! Because we go out live and what do people want us to do? They want to hear 'Holy Wars', they want to hear Rust In Peace, they want to hear stuff off of that record”¦guys, I”ve got 12 records and I can”t fit all of that stuff into one hour! There”s over 100 songs to play! 'Hey, play this song!' Yeah, like I”m gonna just remember that song out of the blue! Do I look like a fuckin” jukebox?”
Quelle: Megadeth / Metalhammer UK
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