24.12.2005, 19:18
Zitat:Debuet(s) des Jahres 2005
Pillory - No Lifeguard At The Gene Pool
Zitat:Alben des Jahres 2005
meshuggah - catch 33
Ephel duath - pain necessary to know
gojira - from mars to sirius
cryptopsy - once was not
Amputated Genitals - Human Meat Gluttony
1349 - Hellfire
Akercocke - words that are unspoken, deeds that are undone
Beecher - this elegy, his autopsy
Blood Red Throne - altered genesis
Buried Inside - chronoclast
Cephalic Carnage - anomalies
Despised Icon - the healing process
Genghis Tron - cloak of love (ep)
Immolation - Harnessing Ruin
Into The Moat - the design
Khold - Krek
Knut - Terraformer
The Number Twelve Looks Like You - nuklear.sad.nuklear
Pigsty - pigs are back
Pittbulls in the Nursery - Lunatic
Pillory - no lifeguard at the gene pool
The Red Chord - clients
Zitat:Konzert des Jahres 2005
The Locust
Zitat:DVD´s des Jahres 2005
hab keine, mag keine, alle sind doof
Zitat:Enttaeuschung/Schock des Jahres 2005
Necrophagist Konzert mit so schlechtem Sound, das ich nach 10 min gegangen bin.
Zitat:Song des Jahres 2005
Meshuggah - In Death, Is Death