25.03.2003, 22:44
Zitat:To our beloved developers,
we'd like to inform you of our new (or somewhat recently updated) development
plans for Winamp. It's important to note that our primary goals (to provide
the best media playback experience and functionality) have not changed.
The New Plan[tm]!
Currently we provide Winamp 2.81 and Winamp3 for our users. Both programs
provide some really excellent features and functionality, and a lot of those
benefits do not overlap between the two products.
We intend to combine everything our users like about Winamp 2.81 and Winamp3
into one version of Winamp.
Step 1: Winamp 2.9 (next week)
Winamp 2.9 will be built on Winamp 2.x, and include new features such as video
support and a media library. Winamp 2.9 will also provide some new APIs for
tighter plug-in integration. We will even be releasing portable device plug-ins
as examples.
Step 1.5: release lots of updates to Winamp 2.9x, to fix bugs and add minor improvements.
Step 2: Winamp "5" (this summer)
(The "5" is just a working title, and may or may not be used.. The (slightly amusing)
thought is that Winamp 2 + Winamp 3 = Winamp 5; but not everybody around is sold on
that idea. We'll see.)
This version will integrate Winamp 3 skin and script support into the Winamp 2.x platform.
This will allow users who do not wish to have complex freeform skins to use classic
Winamp skin(s), with the full performance of Winamp 2.x. Those who wish to use more
advanced Winamp3 skins can do so as well. The integration will be seamless.
Initially this version of Winamp will not support Wasabi components. That may
or may not change as we go forward, we have yet to see how worthwhile that will
be. We have and will be extending Winamp 2.x's plug-in architecture greatly to
allow much of the same functionality that can be accomplished with Wasabi).
We also plan on adding CD ripping and burning capability for this release.
We are aiming to release this version sometime (read: towards the end of) this
summer (2003).
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit!
(don't worry about steps 3 and 4, they are just a lame Southpark reference)
To just sum things up: plan going forward:
Winamp 2.9, March 2003
- Adds video and library and new APIs for better plug-in integration to Winamp 2.x
Winamp "5" (title unknown), Late Summer 2003
- Adds Winamp3 skin support, CD ripping, CD burning.
- Fully supports Winamp "classic" and Winamp3 skins
- Fully supports Winamp "classic" plug-ins
- Does not initially support Winamp3 (Wasabi) components.
For developer questions, please ask in this forum.
For press inquires, please contact Ann Burkart <mailto:burkartann@aol.com>.
P.S. Steve _REALLY_ is an evil robot. Really. Of course, this remark annoys him. Because it is TRUE
die idee mit den skins find ich nicht schlecht, so kann man entscheiden zwischen WA2.X oberflaeche oder WA3-Schnickschnack skins!