29.08.2007, 16:08
Zitat:Mechatron 2154
Genre: action arena shooter / robotron 2084 remake
Groesse: 4 MB
ein echt geniales remake mit coolem und schnellem gameplay...schnelligkeit und reaktionsfreudigkeit sind pflicht...
Zitat:Mechatron 2154 is an ultra-faithful rendition of the definitive arcade shooter that many of us cut our hardcore gaming teeth on: Robotron 2084, by Williams Electronics. There are literally dozens of Robotron clones on the internet, but on this one you will find:-
# Original ROM level data
# Local or World Highscores
# Progressive AI
# Enhanced sound FX from the original game
# Enhanced character sprites, animated and rendered in 3D
# Individual player custom controls, e.g. X-Arcade, PS2 controllers, Keyboard etc.
# Build you own levels with the easy to use custom level designer
# and much much more!
Genre: action shooter / centipede remake
Groesse: 4 MB
gut gemachtes hektisches und schnelles centipede remake...
Spiga Gameplay Video bei myvideo.de
Zitat:Spiga is a small hectic vertical shootem up based
on the Atari cultgame called Cenitipede!
The aim is... erm, shoot em up
There are 5 gamemodes:
- Five Lives: Got 5 lives to eliminate all.
- One Chance: Got only one live to destroy em all.
- 90 Seconds: Got only 90 seconds to end of game.
- Fast Hunt: Shot the centipede in less than 15
seconds to get bonustime or one live
will be lost.
- Incredible: All 4 spiders are active, very nerving
- F1: Music on/off
- F2: SoundFX (SFX) on/off
- F5: Background on/off
- F6: Fog on/of
- F7: Stars on/of
- Space: Pause