Beiträge: 2.057
Themen: 326
Registriert seit: Oct 2004
Beiträge: 2.057
Themen: 326
Registriert seit: Oct 2004
Zitat:Swarm Racer
Genre: geschick/racing
Groesse: 1 MB (auch fuer mac)
Zitat:Swarm Racer is a different kind of racing game. Instead of controlling a single vehicle, take control of a whole swarm of bees and fly around the track while strategically shifting your swarm into different formations. Featuring funky chip music and plasmatronic backgrounds, Swarm Racer is nothing but pure retro gaming goodness!
How to Play
The object of Swarm Racer is to collect all of the gems on each track as fast as possible. You can control the size of your swarm using Z and X. Spread out to collect a whole bunch of gems, or regroup to duck around a tight corner. If you get a fast time, you win a trophy depending on how fast you were. See if you can collect all eight gold trophies. Bet you cant!
Cursors: Move
Z Grow into formation
X Regroup
R Restart track
[url=http://""] [/url]
Zitat:Stranded II
Genre: survival adventure aus ego perspektive
Groesse: 13 MB
Zitat:Gestrandet - schon wieder!
In Stranded II stellst du dich erneut dem Kampf ums ueberleben. Dieses mal gibt es jedoch sehr viel mehr zu entdecken und zu erforschen als im Vorgaenger. Sammle Nahrung, bastle dir dein eigenes Werkzeug und deine eigenen Waffen, gehe auf die Jagd, baue Gebaeude und Fahrzeuge, zaehme wilde Tiere und reite auf ihnen oder finde sagenumwobene Schaetze!
* schnelle 3D Engine mit niedrigen Anforderungen dank Blitz 3D
* riesige Inseln
* unzaehlige Tiere und Pflanzen
* ueber 100 (!) unterschiedliche Gegenstaende mit verschiedensten Eigenschaften
* viele verschiedene Gebaeude und Fahrzeuge
* ein grosses Arsenal an unterschiedlichen Werkzeugen, Waffen und Munitionen
* fluessiger Tag und Nacht Wechsel
* dynamische Lichteffekte, Partikel, Nebel, reflektierendes Wasser und Blur-Effekte
* ein grosses Abenteuer mit Ingame-Zwischensequenzen und Storyelementen
* viele abwechslungsreiche Einzelkarten
* Map Editor mit zahlreichen Optionen
* extrem umfangreiches Scriptsystem fuer eigene interaktive Maps
* laesst sich ueber Scripts und Definitionen komplett modifizieren
[url=http://""] [/url]
Beiträge: 2.057
Themen: 326
Registriert seit: Oct 2004
Zitat:Bloody Massacre
Genre: splatter shooter action
Groesse: 2 MB
Zitat:The sickest and the goriest click game ever. This game is all about killing. Yeah. Brutal killing. Its all about small pixelised guys shooting each other until your screen gets flooded with red pixels of blood.
Bloody Massacre is also a game about high scores. There are civilians, soldiers, exploding barrels and extra weapons in the playfield. Your mission is to kill as many soldiers as possible to raise your score. The game ends when you lose all of your lives. If you are good enough, youll get your score featured on the online high score list!
Its chaotic, addictive and challenging.
Its entertaining and suitable for both quick or long gaming sessions
Its the game you need.
Download now.
-chaotic arcade action
-online (and offline) high score
-blood, brains and intestines
-many weapons (including chainsaw and uzi)
-8-direction movement with strafing
![[Bild: bloodymassacre3wh6.jpg]](
Beiträge: 2.057
Themen: 326
Registriert seit: Oct 2004
Zitat:gute site mit games empfehlungen etc.
Zitat:SEHR SEHR COOLE SITE...die spiele welche hier angeboten werden besitzen eine HERAUSRAGENDE QUALITaeT!
grafisch top, gameplaytechnisch top, innovativstechnisch top!
fuehlen sich an wie kommerzielle games fuer gameboy advance...
alle online spielbar...
zB Hot Air und [/url=]Hot Air 2[/url](heissliuft ballon mithilfe eines ventilators sicher ins ziel bringen)
Feed Me (man spielt ne eingetopfte fleischfressende pflanze...)
Frost Bite (jump n run mit kletterhaken feature...den berg erklimmen, zeugs einsammeln und gegner plaetten)
Genre: Shooter
Groesse: 8 MB
pc fanmade version von ikaruga bei welchem das wechseln der polaritaet das feature is welches es besonders macht...
Zitat:The game is a tribute to Ikaruga, a legendary shmup. It mimics the polarity and chaining system, while the gameplay is slightly altered. The game only has 1 level because of lack of interest to make a full fledged 5 level tribute to the original; however,
I think its fine the way it is, and I have other projects to work on. If you have played Ikaruga before, then you wont be too alienated from the concept. If you havent, I suggest you read the README_FIRST file included in the download.
The controls were originally the japanese standard ZXC but due to problems for foreign keyboards the default was changed to ASD and custom controls are in place.
![[Bild: gmcshot1rp3dy7.jpg]](
Zitat:Wings of Megaira
Genre: Shooter
Groesse: 28 MB
sehr professionell gemacht...inklusive tutorial welches man sich auf jednefall mal kurz anschaun sollte...
bei mir fehlt leider der sound...weiss nicht ob das normal ist oder bloss an meinem rechner liegt...
Zitat:Wings of Megaira is a classically styled top-down shooter in which you control a fighter ship against fast-moving waves of alien enemies. Players can fly solo, or join forces for a two-player cooperative fight using the keyboard or a joystick. Much like its arcade predecessors, Wings of Megaira requires lightning fast reaction times and quick thinking to succeed. Although the games environments are rendered in full 3D, the game controls in a simple 2D fashion.
Players have access to three types of weapons that grow more powerful with use, allowing for multiple play styles and strategies. Although outfitted with a machine gun to begin with, players can steal the souls of their enemies, which takes the enemys weapon type. The weapon type an enemy carries is illustrated by the color of that enemy, red being a machinegun type, blue a laser type, and green a grenade type. Powerups will also appear in the midst of an enemys destruction to aid the player towards their goal.
Players can also activate a shift in time, when the world slows down to a crawl while the player massacres the momentarily sluggish enemies. The number of enemies destroyed during a time shift multiplies the payoff.
![[Bild: wings2ny9.jpg]](
Beiträge: 2.057
Themen: 326
Registriert seit: Oct 2004
20.08.2007, 00:17
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 20.08.2007, 00:39 von GroovyDismemberment.)
Zitat:Akuji the Demon
Genre: Jump n Run Action
Groesse: 5 MB inkl Patch
Akuji the Demon inklusive englischem Patch
sehr cool gemachtes jump n run im castlevania stil....
[url="]Speed Run bei youtube[/url]
[url=http://""] [/url]
Zitat:Guardian of Paradise
Genre: Action RPG im Zelda Stil
Groesse: 5 MB
vom selben macher wie Akuji the Demon...sehr gut gemachtes action rpg
(der erste download link ist guardian of paradise...)
um das game zu verstehen empfiehlt es sich noch den englischen patch HIER herunterzuladen.
Guardian of Paradies speed run bei youtube
[url=http://""] [/url]
Zitat:Wired Hang Redux
Genre: Geschick
Groesse: 1 MB
mithilfe eines enterhaken so hoch wie moeglich kommen...
Zitat:Wire Hang Redux is a remake of the excellent Wire Hang game, in which you must climb up an never ending series of platforms using a grappling hook. If you fall its game over - a simple yet thoroughly addictive concept! The mouse is used to control your aim and to fire the hook.
[url=http://""] [/url]
Zitat:Babo Violent 2
Genre: top down shooter (online spielbar)
Groesse: 9 MB
blutiger top down shooter mit schicker 3d grafik....
Zitat:BaboViolent 2 is a freeware game developed by the cool Canadian crew that makes up RndLabs. The game was released upon the world in October 2006 as a test of a network library. However, the fact that it was simply a test didnt deter the crowd that flocked to play it.
BV2 is a top down shooter where you control a "Babo," a red or blue orb that rolls around the screen with one of six weapons attached to it. The intuitive keyboard + mouse interface helps you get into the thick of the action as quick as possible. Its as simple as joining one of the many active servers and hitting F. You are immediately dropped into the action and start tossing grenades and molotov cocktails at anything that moves while firing to stay alive.
The success of the game is due in large part to its very easy and immersive gameplay. However, game balance should also receive its due credit for the games popularity. Damage settings, weapon ranges, firing rates, and medkits have all been tweaked to provide wonderful balance. There is no killer combination that runs the show... anyone and everyone is a contender with whatever weapon they choose to master.
What really sets people above the rest in BV2 isnt the ability to kill but the ability to stay alive.
Lots of blood
* Game Features: Battle in 13 maps suited for 2 to 32 players.
* Try different game types like Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch
and Capture the Flag.
* Master all 6 weapons, grenades and more.
* Easily find games with a convenient server list.
* Featuring music from Lamb of God.
Babo Violent 2 Gameplay Video bei youtube
[url=http://""] [/url]
Zitat:Blobby Volley
Genre: fun volley ball (online spielbar)
Groesse: 1 MB
spassiges volleyball game mit witziger physik und richtiger online liga...
gutes lan, oder online game...
Blobby Volley Gameplay Video bei youtube
Zitat:Blobby Volley ist ein kostenloses Computer-Geschicklichkeitsspiel (Freeware), bei dem zwei ausserirdische Gummibaerchen (Blobs) im Volleyball gegeneinander antreten. Es kann als eine Weiterentwicklung des DOS-Spiels Arcade Volley angesehen werden. Anstoss fuer die Entwicklung war hauptsaechlich das eigenartige physikalische Verhalten des Balls und der Spielfiguren im Vorbild.
[url=http://""] [/url]
Beiträge: 5.553
Themen: 55
Registriert seit: Dec 2002
aaah, cool, blobby volley! das hab ich schon vor jahren immer gerne gespielt!
Beiträge: 2.057
Themen: 326
Registriert seit: Oct 2004
braindad schrieb:aaah, cool, blobby volley! das hab ich schon vor jahren immer gerne gespielt!
gibt sogar mittlerweile nen zweiten teil in ner alpha version auf der site...
Beiträge: 2.057
Themen: 326
Registriert seit: Oct 2004
neue soldat version 1.4.2
Finally we`ve made it. A couple important issues have been addressed in this version. Also there are a couple new features and lots of map changes.
Be sure to check the changelog and download Soldat 1.4.2 right away!
Changes 1.4.1 - 1.4.2
- Added new DM map Veoto, new INF maps inf_Industrial, inf_Argy, removed ctf_Conquest
- Added compatibility for pre 1.4 weapon mods
- Added bullets from high ping players are rendered appropriately
- Added password to join url - soldat://IP ORT/PASSWORD/
- Added seamless server support (switching servers in-game by server)
- Modified most of the maps fixed and improved by Keron Cyst
- Modified htf_Void tripped over 90 degrees
- Modified logs and screenshots naming convention (first file ends with date and "01", second ends with "02" ...)
- Fixed extreme player warping with decent ping
- Fixed time passing by on game pause
- Fixed auto-updater bug
- Fixed knife could be thrown while invincible after respawn
- Fixed middle map respawn
- Fixed Vista BattlEye bug when installed under "Program Files"
Along with this release there is a new dedicated server version 2.6.2 available. With new Script Core v2 by EnEsCe! Be sure to check the readme cause there are some changes in the scripts directory structure.
Not bugs:
Music playing after intro is a feature so you can listen to the music while browsing the menus.
If minimap is disabled on server you can still see the map overview, this is a feature introduced in 1.4.1.
Known issues:
Lobby server might need 2-3 request clicks to work. This is an issue that will be fixed later.
If there are any problems with fonts in the menu please restart the system after installation.
If there are any font problems or low FPS please turn on Video Compatibility in the Setup, if it is not the case please don`t turn it on.
If you experience freezing every 10 minutes on Vista turn Video Compatibility on.
Old demos are not compatible with this version.
Beiträge: 2.057
Themen: 326
Registriert seit: Oct 2004
20.08.2007, 17:54
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 20.08.2007, 18:01 von GroovyDismemberment.)
Zitat:Rolling Madness 3D
Genre: Geschick
Groesse: 17 MB
super marble madness remake...
super fluessige sauber programmierte grafik und sehr gute steuerung...
allerdings is der schwieigkeitsgrad heute wie damals (1984) ab dem 3ten level etwas happig...
desweiteren laessr sich die kamera perspektive veraendern...
Zitat:Heres my attempt at remaking the classic 1984 arcade game Marble Madness by Atari. The graphics are slightly enhanced to bring them on par with modern standards: there is now a full 3D mode in addition to the usual isometric perspective one, a "pastel drawing" rendering mode and various camera placement options.
The 3D engine is based on OpenGL, SDL takes care of the interaction with the OS and FMOD is used for sound. This means the game is as multi platform as possible, and non windows builds should be fairly straightforward.
The whole 6 level world is present, as you can see from the screen shots. To download the game just click on the box in the right pane. Its free and nag-free, and comes with an installer.
![[Bild: rollingmadnessyy6.jpg]](
Genre: Geschick / angelehnt an Marble Madness
Groesse: 12 MB (auch fuer linux)
geschicklichkeitsspiel in dem man wie bei marble madness ne murmel ins ziel bringen leertaste kann man auch huepfen...
anmerkung:bei mir laesst sich das spiel nur mit 16 bit zocken..wenn ich im menue 32 bit einstell stuerzt das spiel ab...
Zitat:Trackballs is a marble game inspired by the 80?s Atari classic Marble Madness.
By steering a marble ball through a labyrinth filled with sharp objecs, pools of acid, and other obstacles the player collects points. When the destination is reached you continue on to the next, more difficult level. - unless the time runs out.
Unlike marble madness the game uses 3D graphics even though the original game had no real use for it. Also the game is fully programmable with a scripting extension (Guile), and includes a level editor with which to easily create new levels.
![[Bild: trackballlllsfy7.jpg]](
Zitat:Rumble Box
Genre: 3D beat em up
Groesse: 12 MB
3d beat em up ei dem alle aus kloetzchen sind...killt man gegner bleiben die kloetzchen liegen...
am besten mal kurz das gameplay video anschaun....
Rumble Box Review
Zitat:Rumble Box is a fast paced 3D action beat-em-up with a unique premise:
all of the characters are made of simple objects which stay around
in the level even after the character is defeated. The objects pile up,
changing the gameplay landscape and altering your combat tactics.
The game takes place inside a giant box, and the ultimate goal
of the game is to pile up enough defeated enemies to get out of the box.
2006 IGF Main Competition Innovation In Game Design Finalist
2006 Slamdance Guerilla Gamemaker Competition Winner
Outstanding Achievement in Physics
Rumble Box Gameplay video bei youtube
![[Bild: playerspinkickoc8.jpg]](
Beiträge: 2.057
Themen: 326
Registriert seit: Oct 2004
25.08.2007, 13:41
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 25.08.2007, 13:51 von GroovyDismemberment.)
Zitat:Plasma Pong
Genre: Geschick
Groesse: 8 MB (auch fuer MAC)
cooles pong remake...
viele einstellungsmoeglichkeiten...
siehe hier
(multiplayer geht nur offline am selben rechner...)
* To score, you must get the ball past the opposing players paddle
* The ball swims with the currents of the fluid
* Scoring will increase the level, causing the ball to be more reactive to the fluid
* To move the ball, you need to manipulate the fluid. Heres how:
Hold the LEFT MOUSE BUTTON to shoot jet of plasma out of the paddle
Hold the RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON to suction the plasma and ball back to the paddle
Release the RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON to blast a shockwave!
Gameplay Video bei youtube
weitere Screenshots
![[Bild: pong2bigbu1.jpg]](
Beiträge: 2.057
Themen: 326
Registriert seit: Oct 2004
26.08.2007, 15:08
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 29.08.2007, 15:49 von GroovyDismemberment.)
nicht getestet...aber koennte ganz gut sein...
erklaerung wies funktioniert etc
Beiträge: 2.057
Themen: 326
Registriert seit: Oct 2004
ganz neu...
Zitat:Knytt Stories
Genre: jump n run adventure
Groesse: 34 MB
Knytt Stories TRAILER
[url=http://""] [/url]
Zitat: In Knytt Stories, each level is its own little adventure. One level is included with the game, where you have to stop a machine that draws the life out of the planet. An official expansion pack is also featured at the website with four original levels.
Knytt Stories is a 2D platform game that runs on Windows 2000, XP, and later. Current version: 1.0
die vielfach gelobten games vom selben entwickler:
Zitat:Within a Deep Forest
Genre: jump n run adventure
Groesse: 20 MB
Within a Deep Forest Video Review bei youtube
[url="] [/url]![[Bild: image6ye6.png]](
Zitat:Two attempts have been made to build a bomb, capable of freezing the entire world. The first was a failure, and resulted in a living blue ball. The second attempt was a success. Now the clock is ticking, and the world is in grave danger. That is, unless...
Within a Deep Forest is a freeware 2D platform game for Windows featuring challenging gameplay, beautiful music, an evil doctor, and a deep forest.
Genre: jump n run adventure
Groesse: 18 MB
Knytt Video bei youtube
![[Bild: knyttir0.png]]( ![[Bild: image4zt9.png]](
Zitat:The Knytt was abducted by an alien! Traveling through space, the UFO flies into a meteor and crashes on a nearby planet. Luckily, the Knytt and the alien survive, but the UFO is a wreck. How can the Knytt possibly find its way back home again?
Knytt is a free platform game for Windows featuring exploration, atmosphere, and infinite cuteness.
Beiträge: 2.057
Themen: 326
Registriert seit: Oct 2004
Beiträge: 2.057
Themen: 326
Registriert seit: Oct 2004
aufgrund 12 jaehrigem jubilaeum gibts das erste command&conquer gold als iso nun umsonst zum download
We are providing the ISO image of C&C GOLD for both the GDI and Nod discs. In order for C&C GOLD to run on Windows XP, you will need to burn the ISO image onto a CD with a CD Burner and any "CD Burning Software" such as Nero, Alcohol, etc. There are also a few extra steps in order to make C&C GOLD run on Windows XP after you burn it to CD. Please click the link below for the exact instructions after you download both files!
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Themen: 55
Registriert seit: Dec 2002