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Freeware Games - Best of the Best
fuerchterlich geile idee Smile
Ich will Videos von Leuten die das spielen! Uglyl
yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man
Ich habs jetzt mal getestet - da wirste bescheuert bei Smile
sequel zu crayon physics in der mache...nun kann man alle formen zeichnen und nicht nur noch quadratische objekte...

Zitat: Crayon Physics Deluxe is a sequel to the popular freeware game Crayon Physics. Or you can think of it as the game I would have created if I would have had more than 7 days to do it. Way more than 7 days. More like 7 months or 17 months.

Anyway Crayon Physics Deluxe is a 2D physics puzzle game, in which you get to experience what it would be like if your drawings would be magically transformed into real physical objects. Solve puzzles with your artistic vision and creative use of physics.

The game features:

    * Greatly improved physics (you can draw what ever you want)
    * Huge number of new levels
    * Easy to use level editor

You can read more about the game from my blog. Also you can test the original prototype which is freely available. But please understand that the prototype isn’t a demo version of this game and doesn’t reflect the quality of Crayon Physics Deluxe.


[Bild: crayonsmall03sg1.jpg]
[Bild: crayonsmall02jz0.jpg]

gameplay videoclip (gespielt mit einem pen auf nem touch screen...)

n qualitaets 2 side scroller mit pruegel un puzzle faktor der aufm super nintendo sicherlich erfolgreich gewesen waere...
unbedingt mal das gameplay video anschaun!

"Part Kirby, part Super Mario World, a lot of Mega Man sound effects and an original soundtrack combine to make one of the better freeware games Ive played lately. Highly recommended."

Zitat:[Bild: bonesaw2341thumbvf5.jpg]

gameplay video clip

Bonesaw: The Game is an indepedent 2d side-scrolling game that mixes elements from puzzle, beat-em-up, and platforming genres. The games central theme revolves around Clarkson University, and the Universitys hockey team The Golden Knights.

The game does not take place at Clarkson, nor will you see levels that are taken from campus. Although these ideas came to mind, I felt that the game would be more widely accepted if the game wasnt tied down with endless inside jokes that only a handful of people would appreciate.

The player takes on the role of a lone Golden Knight who must save the rest of the team from an evil Referee who has taken them hostage in his interdimensional penalty box... in space. With over 30 levels, a ton of collectables, and some side things to do, this game will be pretty big (for a 2d, independent side scroller.)


Zitat:For those of you who missed it over at TigSource, Bonesaw is now out, and it seriously rocks some serious awesome. Like, seriously.

You play as the last remaining member of the Golden Knights hockey team, after the mysterious Ref M- removed the rest of the team to an inter-dimensional penalty box. Find your teammates and pummel the "sluzers" who try to take you down along the way. Defeat enough of them and release the power of the almighty mighty bonesaw.

Part Kirby, part Super Mario World, a lot of Mega Man sound effects and an original soundtrack combine to make one of the better freeware games Ive played lately. Highly recommended.

Name: Bonesaw
Developer: Kyle Pulver
Category: Action
Type: Freeware
Size: 59MB
Direct download link: Click here


hab mir heut mal unreal anthology fuer 10,- gekauft (unreal 1, unreal 2, ut2004)... Uthumb

fuer ut2004 gibtz ja verdammt viele geniale mods....

lad mir grad dieses game hier...laut bewertungen und videos und screenshots siehts schonma klasse aus...

ne total conversion...
n top down shooter ala zombies ate my neighbours....

Zitat:Name: Welcome to Wilshire Heights
Version: Final
Compatibility: UT2004

Genre: Top-down, free-roam, arcade-style shooter

edit: laeuft bei mir nich so fluessig un steuerung is etwas komisch...obwohl ut2004 mit max details fluessig laeuft...

[Bild: wilshire02smfj2.gif]

The objective of this game is to blast zombies and other monsters away and survive long enough to obtain the highest score possible.

    * 1 level, single player
    * 6 weapons in total
    * Various power-up items including score multipliers
    * Lots of zombie enemies, including UFO boss
    * Fixed camera that can be flipped 180 degrees
    * Point system rewards the player for their actions as well as for killing zombies
    * Bonus point system rewards the player for finding secrets
An Untitled Story
jump n run adventure
16 MB

sehr sehr cooles jump n run....steuerung, level design un gamplay sehr gut...
powerups wie doppel sprung, schiessen etc gibts nach un nach zum einsammeln...
zu sehen im gameplay video clip

ehemals shareware (wenn man mindestens 1$ per paypal gespendet hatte bekam man die vollversion)
nun komplett freeware...!

Zitat:In An Untitled Story, you begin as an egg in your nest, and the rest is up to you to figure out. Fight 18 unique bosses, traverse a huge game world, and unravel a mysterious storyline. The single player game features non-linear progression and 5 difficulty levels for extra replay value. Also included is Heist Mode, a multiplayer capture-the-flag-style versus mode. Dont forget to hook up a USB gamepad before starting, to play it as it was meant to be played.

[Bild: untitled1l8f.png]
[Bild: untitled8ivk.png]

The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom

noch nich released

sieht aber interessant und innovativ aus

wird laut entwickler umsonst sein sobald das game beim "independent game festival" released wurde...

Zitat:If the Student Version of the game is released it will be free of charge sir.



[Bild: 1698580351f3f84ed56def8.jpg]


____.The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom is a game set in an early silent film world that plays with temporal space. Through exploration of non-conventional time mechanics, players will experience gameplay in an entirely new way.  The game gives the player the ability to record and playback their actions multiple times.  An experiment in exploring layered gameplay and altering physical reality, the game gives the player the ability to create time paradoxes, encounter obstacles from multiple perspectives, race past selves, sacrifice your present self so future selves can survive, choreograph motion with your self, disrupt the space-time continuum, and steal tons of pie in this fast paced, quirky, macabre adventure.  The Misadventures of_ P.B. Winterbottom presents game design with the users creativity in mind, allowing them to play through levels however they see fit. The goals are set, but the way to achieve them is up to the user.

Des schaut in der Tat sehr interessant aus Smile
erinner mich mal dran wenns dann rausgekommen ist Smile
yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man
10 MB

sehr cooles innovatives geschichlichkeits jump n run mit fly feature (wenn man die fly taste drueckt bleibt man kurz in der luft stehen und laedt sich auf...jetzt kann man sich in alle 8 richtungen katapultieren lassen)...
ziel jedem levels ist es in die rote zone zu kommen...
in den levels gibt es zB powerups mit denen die gravitation umgekehrt wird oder man nochmals das fly feature nutzen kann...

80 level...pro zone 10 level...
ab zone 5 wird es richtig extrem...da musst ich passen...trial and error extrem...

vom selben macher wie "an untitled story"...

Zitat:FLaiL is a physics-based platformer with 80 stages. Two player co-operative play is included, and a third player can jump in at anytime by using the mouse cursor to drop bombs on the stage in an attempt to disintegrate the other players. There is a level editor and meticulous stat tracking, as well as other unlockable features.

[Bild: flail7wa0.png]

Zitat:[Bild: flail2cnv4.png]

FLaiL is a new platformer by Matt Thorson of Helix Games Inc., author of An Untitled Story and the Jumper series. The game consists of eighty stages with one screens worth of challenges in each, and new zones can only be unlocked when the player has acquired a certain number of points from previous areas.

The first zone works as a basic tutorial for most of your characters skills. In addition to standard jumping abilities, players can also teleport in any of the eight directions by holding down the mapped fly button.

This release includes a profile creation utility, an automatic save feature, and a configuration utility for keyboard control mapping. (preview, FAQ, GMC forum posting)

Name: FLaiL
Developer: Matt Thorson
Category: Platformer
Type: Freeware
Size: 10MB

Zitat:Noitu Love 2
Jump n Run Action
10 MB

Demo draussen...hab die demo in 10-15 min durch gehabt...hmm das waren 10-15 min spass ...
steuerung, grafik, leveldesign, gamebalance un gameplay VOM FEINSTEN!

gesteuert wird mit wasd und maus wird schlag bzw schussrichting bestimmt...
combos en masse....funktioniert wunderbar...steuerung is echt spitze!

das game wird allerdings nich als freeare released un wird ein paar euro kosten...
solang es zwischen 5 und 10 euro liegt werd ichs mir holen...


[Bild: noitu2scr00ip1.gif]

[Bild: noitu2scr01dd2.gif]


infos un comments
grad entdeckt
FOAMZILLA (ut2004 mod)

[Bild: r2jk1.th.jpg]
[Bild: r4pn0.th.jpg]
Zitat:Foamzilla is a hilarious modification for Unreal Tournament 2004 that revolves around the player as a foam sponge monster that can grow to immense proportions when contact is made with a source of water. Macrocosm, the team behind Foamzilla (consisting of developers Johan Eickmeyer and Mark Barazzuol), was recognized by this years Independent Games Festival and nominated for the "Student Showcase" award as one of only two modifications chosen.

TRAILER (youtube oder in hires zum dl)
DOWNLOAD in version 1.2 @60 mb
Zak McKracken: Between Time and Space
1,9 Gig

von Fans gemachte Fortsetzung des Point n Click Adventures... ob das aber nicht lucasarts aufn plan ruft?

Zak McKracken: Inoffizieller Nachfolger als Gratisspiel

[Bild: thumbwallpaper9go5.jpg]

coooool, mal laden und testen Woot
hui, wie toll! *wie_ein_kleines_maedchen_kicher*

da bin ich jetzt aber mal gespannt Smile

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