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PoisonGod - Daemoncracy (2007) Mp3
Welcome to the New Government...

Brazilian Thrash Metal band POISONGOD is proud to release for free download in the website www.poisongod.com our first full length entitled "Daemoncracy".

Many reasons made us took such decision, but the strongest one was certainly the desire to make our music reach as many people as possible.
"Daemoncracy" manages to sound modern while keeping the vibe and euphoria of the 80s. We name our style "The New Old School" so that everyone can understand the bands actual purpose and see what we are actually focused on.

The lyrics depict a totalitary and oppressive State that controls the population through mental alienation and sheer force. Works such as "V For Vendetta", "Brave New World" and "1984" were of utter importance when creating this State.

Besides the songs, the albums entire graphic artwork is available in the web site.

Download, listen and spread "Daemoncracy". It was made for you.




very nice, i like!  Ylsuper Thumbs

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