08.04.2008, 10:16
Die Jungs zocken modernen Death/Thrash, d.h. alle Nicht "Oldschool Only Fanatiker" sollten reinhoeren 

Zitat:Pennsylvanias CENTURY has posted an e-card featuring three tracks from the bands forthcoming effort, "Black Ocean", alongside biographical information, tour dates, and a trailer for the "Black Ocean" music video, which will receive a small-screen premiere later this month on MTV2s "Headbangers Ball". Fans can also spread the word about the e-card at the above link. In the meantime, "Black Ocean" will see an April 29 release on Prosthetic Records, and is the follow-up to 2006s critically acclaimed album "Faith and Failure", which was released via Tribunal Records.
Mastered by Kim Rosen at West West Side Music in New York, "Black Ocean"s title track and the albums cover art have been posted on CENTURYs MySpace page. CENTURY is also launching a special album we bsite featuring a fully-interactive, full-flash site will feature exclusive content, including hidden features and a bonus track only accessible by solving a code found in the albums artwork. The website will be officially launched April 29 along with the albums release.