21.12.2008, 18:00
![[Bild: Auvernia%20-%20Towards%20Eternity.jpg]](http://lh5.ggpht.com/MetalVassago/SLf9HIYV8ZI/AAAAAAAABzk/1tM3AJdRoLc/Auvernia%20-%20Towards%20Eternity.jpg)
Ziemlich kitschiger Power Metal, den die Jungs aus Argentinien hier im Angebot haben. Das war zumindest mein Ersteindruck. Wie man sich doch täuschen kann...
Ob die Platte etwas für den normalen Power/Melodic Metal Liebhaber ist, kann ich schwer beurteilen. Zum Standardpaket des Genres gesellen sich hier auch Death Growls/Black Screams, Blastattacken und recht hektische Rhythmuswechsel.
Die Band hat das Album selber produziert und dafür wirklich einen guten Job gemacht.
Zitat:In general I”m not a big fan of bands that have the urge to mix different kinds of music. Most of the time these bands do have a unique sounds, but make not much of an impression because the music sounds too confusing and messy. Most bands don”t manage to get the transition from one style to another smoothly and to make it sound “logical” and their songs sound too incompatible.
For this reason I started having doubts about this album when I Read Auvernia”s biography, because in their own words the band mixes power, black and progressive metal and also uses influences from the classical music. So having prejudged already I start my way with this CD. Already after the first song these Argentineans have swept off all my doubts completely. Yes, the band does indeed use all the in the above-mentioned influences, but make it merge into a beautiful and powerful unit. The transitions are so well thought off that there is not a single moment when you get the idea that you are listening to another band all of a sudden. Of course the song are highly variable and it”s clearly audible that these gentlemen have put a lot of though and energy in the arrangements and details. With every listening turn there is something new to be discovered and therefore the album is hard to get bored with. This of course makes Auvernia”s sound unique and hart compared to other bands directly.
The member”s musical abilities should also not stay unmentioned! Whether the band is playing, melodic power metal tunes or fast and atmospheric black metal, the playing remains tight and although the band operates within different genres at the same time, the whole picture is convincing. On top of that, the vocal performance of Fernando Varela needs an extra point of appreciation, there where is easily changes from melodic and clean power metal vocals t more rough grunts and to hellish black metal screams. Sound technically the album is also in perfect condition and despite the presence of many variable styles the album has got a fitting sound. In short: ”˜Towards Eternity” is definitely one of the better debut releases of the year and metal fans with an expansive taste should definitely give it a listen.
Next to the nine self-compositions the album contains two convincing covers as bonus tracks! The first one is X-Japan”s "Blue Blood" and the second, less original, is Queen”s "The Show Must Go On".
Bin mal gespannt, was die Spezialisten dazu sagen.

Für mich ist das auf Dauer nichts, dafür sind mir die Jungs nicht extrem genug.
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