08.03.2009, 13:21
Zitat:Polen auf dem Vormarsch! Dank Northern Heritage wandert anno 2006 "Presence" in alle mit Interesse gefüllten Gemäuer. Und so mag die erwähnte Ostmacht zwar kein zahmer, aber doch geregelter Ursprung für musikalische Genüsse sein.
Mgla sind, meines Erachtens zumindest für die nächsten paar Wochen, der letzte Schrei. Absolut unoriginelles Standard-Material habe ich nämlich schon seit Monaten nicht mehr so überragend knackig zu Ohren bekommen. Quintessenziell stimmt hier nämlich alles: Sound, Feeling, Melodik. Bei Betrachtung hier erzeugter Dramatik kommt jedem Halbjahres-BM-Hanswurst, der meint, die Welt mit irgend'nem Kackdreck zuzüglich erschweren zu müssen, das Cola-Bier aus der Nase geschossen. Kompositorisch fährt man ergo zwar keine Patente auf, weiß aber alles, was jeder bereits schonmal gehört hat, so zu verwursten, dass es einfach erfrischend klingt. Zwischen Rotz und Dreck suhlt sich ein gehöriger Batzen Aggression und Leidenschaft, welcher nahezu penetrant eingängig ist, aber nie an Authentizität oder Atmosphäre vermissen lässt. Variantenreich gestaltet sich erwartetermaßen der Ablauf dieser MLP. So wird, um's unnötigerweise nochmal durchzukauen, auf Tempowechsel von Trab bis Sprint geachtet, superb bangtaugliche Riffs aneinandergereiht und energisch-monotone Vokaldarbietungen angebracht, die wahrlich den passenden Ton treffen. Schematisches Manko wäre jetzt lediglich, dass einige Passagen etwas träge erscheinen, da man's mit manchen Riffwiederholungen wohl doch zu gut meinte. Das kann jedoch gleichfalls den Vorteil haben, dass neben aller Abwechslung der Hang zum Gehenlassen nicht unmerklich erkennbar und ein gewisses Hypnose-Potential durchaus üppig ausgefallen ist.
Wer keinen Bock auf Neuerungen und gegebenenfalls aufgesetzte Originalität hat, ist mit Mglas "Presence" nur allzu gut beraten. Ein typisches NH-Release, zu dem endlich mal wieder ganz ohne Gewissensbisse die Keule und Matte geschwungen werden kann. Attacke!
![[Bild: further.jpg]](http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/7543/further.jpg)
Mdłości 7"/Further Down The Nest 7" (2006/2007)
Zitat:Hands down, this is THE QUINTESSENTIAL black metal listening experience. Its nature is of the grim and raw, yet melodic and stiflingly oppressive. I haven't heard better material that could be thought of as encompassing everything real black metal has stood for over the years. This might well be as close to perfection as any one black metal release can get, and I suppose it makes sense that only 4 tracks are to be found here. In spite of this, there isn't one second of filler, a second-rate idea or mis-stepped note to be found! Mgła has found the glory of a militant sound ensnared in the jaws of the fiercest hatred, violence and misanthropic blood-lust. This is a compilation CD (of two brilliant, albeit short, previously released vinyl EPs) that is the aural equivalent of an empty, dead, cold universe... blacker than pitch black and every bit as frozen in timeless space.
Incredibly grim vocals power through the oppressive wall of hatred when the man has a point to make, and supports the music on a perfectly balanced, even mix every time else. Guitars are brilliantly melodic yet raw and full of pride, indignation, and dread; a triumph of one keen mind's individualistic, existential nightmare that is true "hell on earth". A better production value couldn't have been used; the guitar(s) comes out in front, slightly ahead of the percussion and vocals. The drumming, courtesy of the adroit Darkside, remains faithful to the thundering nature of the music only brimming with hypersonic blast beats or double bass when absolutely necessary. This further clinches the compositional tension already set in place, and perfect to begin with, which is now even more intense, simply leveling the playing field for all black metal music held against it (yeah, the consummation of all the instruments, in turn the final result, is THAT GOOD).
I honestly can't think of any disc better to represent black metal as a whole. This disc is perhaps absolute perfection and I am letting them down with only a score that has varied from 95-99%. If you have an urge to find out what REAL black metal is all about, I suggest that you seek this, or the other mentioned releases, out from the Northern Heritage website. Clearly none of them should disappoint any "trve" fan on the genre... on the other hand, I have set expectations pretty high here. To my defense, and for the sake of gaining one honest perspective of the consensus on Mgła's material, I tell you now that I haven't heard so much as one single bad word uttered about this compilation CD on any website, chat room, or blog I've encountered... NOT ONE.
This is music that truly beats at the cold heart of every black metal artist or fanatic.
![[Bild: groza.jpg]](http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/8480/groza.jpg)
Groza (2008)
Zitat:Hailing from Poland, these blackmetallers took the underground by storm back in 2005, with the split-album 'Crushing the Holy Trinity'. I'm sure many of you have recommended M.G.L.A and "those Polish guys with the weird spelling" to others. But the actual pronunciation is 'mgwa', meaning 'fog' in Polish.
Personally, I came across Mgla by surfing my way onto Northern Heritages` website. Looking at Mglas Goya-ish covers and their logo, I could see these guys had something to offer. And the fact that they had a split with Deathspell Omega, awakened my curiousity.
So, here we are, with this long awaited full length CD named 'Groza', meaning something like 'thunderstorm' (and in fact, it's an assault rifle as well). At first I must admit I felt a bit disappointed, but hey; they could'nt keep up the perfection forever. I had problems with the drums. What was up with the double bass-drums!? They sounded like a helicopter. But after a few listenings, they fitted the soundscape of Mgla.
While the Norwegian black metal scene usually just repeat itself, Mgla actually brings some new blood into the scene - and its no surprise they're coming from Eastern Europe, who have many of the up and coming black metal bands at the moment. Mgla gives you what you have been waiting for; Hounest, raw, simple and direct old school black metal with shitloads of atmosphere! The vocals sometimes make me chill, because its so cold, vibrant and summoning.. The guitars are like a wall, brilliantly oppressive and groovy.
I can't put my finger on it, but there's something that makes me like their prior EP's 'Presence' and 'Mdlosci' better than 'Groza'. Might be the tempo of 'Groza', It's more midpaced and not so attacking as the two abovementioned. Still, Mgla is one of the best bands in the genre, delivering their goods as usual. Their music captivates you, and they give you all the visual stuff aswell. These guys have style!
In my opinion,'Groza' grew after some more listenings, and I would highly recommend Mgla to other old schoolers. For me, this is one of the best (and most awaited) albums this year!