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Goths :)
Goths were one of the numerous barbarian tribes, which invaded the crumbling Roman Empire at the end of the fourth century. Originally a minor scandinavian people, they migrated to what is now northern Poland during the first century BC. Having submitted locals, they settled there for roughly a century. During the second century, they resumed their march southward, crossing what is now Poland, and Ukraine. They finally reached the shores of the Black Sea, coming into contact with the Romans, they wrestled present days Romania from. There, they created a large multiethnic empire, which waged several wars against Romans. This Empire was however destroyed by the Huns around 370

They would kick the ass of any worthless teenager with unnatural black hair and nails.

tztz auch ne moegliche erkloerung fuer dieses dunkle phenomaen Emotlol_2
Gothics. When they're not getting their asses kicked, they're busy getting drunk and having sex with dead animals.

They give me diarrhea. What the hell's wrong with them? They always look pale, weak and sickly. Nothing a reality check can't fix. But no, they choose to dress up like french poets and walk around like vampires. Why don't you losers get a life and quit pretending like you're depressed? Maybe then people will stop treating you like the dipshits that you are, and you'll gain some respect. You know, I've done my homework. I've probably checked out over 50 pages by people who consider themselves "gothic." I've read over 20 definitions, and none of them were consistent. They're quick to label themselves as gothics, but they can't even pick a definition and stick with it. Instead, they allow people like myself to stereotype them by aesthetics. The bottom line is, that there probably isn't a universally accepted definition of a gothic because the entire movement or lifestyle (or lack thereof) revolves around just that: aesthetics. Sounds trivial and unimportant to me.

Don't get me wrong here, I have nothing against depressed people. As I come to understand it, most gothics aren't even depressed. They just act that way because they're cowards. Cowards afraid of dying. I almost laughed out loud when I first read this. Afraid of dying? Why is this even an issue? Well tough shit. If they're so afraid of dying, then they shouldn't have been born. Not my loss.

They're so afraid of death and dying, yet they smoke, drink and have unprotected sex. I know not all gothics are like that, but I don't give a shit about being politically correct. So don't mail me saying "On your page you said all [insert name of dipshits here] are [insert stereotype here]." Yes, I know. Nobody cares. My point is that gothics are shitty, and something should be done about them.

I propose that we build a giant cannon, gather up all the gothics, pack them into the cannon, and launch them into a brick wall. SLAM. No more gothics. Maybe then they'd have a reason to be depressed. That is, if any of them lived. They're all so pale and weak that a mere launch into a brick wall might finish them off.

I was going to talk about this girl I went to high school with that was a shit-eating gothic, but I'm too tired. Just take my word for it, she was shitty.

hmz <_<

nette sig

Mit Abstand das Duemmste, was ich in letzter Zeit gelesen habe Shake
loel, ich finds nett Uglyl

€ ohne damit irgendeinen goth hier angreifen zu wollen
yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man
Naja... man muss da auch unterscheiden. In Amiland is man schon Gothic wenn man Manson hoert und einen auf evil macht.

Ich kenne 2-3 verdammt coole und selbstironische Gothics und wuerde mich hueten alle ueber einen Kamm zu scheren. Dass es in der Szene ueberproportional viele Idioten gibt moechte ich trotzdem nicht negieren Smile

Slaine schrieb:@WeRtSaChE

Mit Abstand das Duemmste, was ich in letzter Zeit gelesen habe Shake


Und wo sind da Witz oder Ironie? Seh ich nicht.
dann fass dir selbst an die birne und mach nich mich von der seite an weil ich n text post den ich lustig find ... samma Motz
WeRtSaChE schrieb:dann fass dir selbst an die birne und mach nich mich von der seite an weil ich n text post den ich lustig find ... samma Motz
echt - slaine du hans-wurst was faellt dir eigentlich ein? Uglyl
Lord-Icon schrieb:
WeRtSaChE schrieb:dann fass dir selbst an die birne und mach nich mich von der seite an weil ich n text post den ich lustig find ... samma  Motz
echt - slaine du hans-wurst was faellt dir eigentlich ein? Uglyl
jepp..verdammte sauerei sowas! Uglyl

kastrieren sollten sie dich dafuer Roll Smile
noch hab ich hier das sagen Uking Ugly also vertragt euch
sonst schwanz ab ... scheibchenweise Ulol
WeRtSaChE schrieb:dann fass dir selbst an die birne und mach nich mich von der seite an weil ich n text post den ich lustig find ... samma  Motz
Wo habe ich dich denn angemacht? Ich habe geschrieben, dass der Text dumm ist, und dass ich da den Witz nicht sehe. Nicht mehr, nicht weniger. Du findest es lustig, ich nicht. Wo ist das Problem? <_<

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