22.02.2010, 16:07
Zitat:Sonntag, Februar 21, 2010 Duke of Drumington leaves the band!
Dear Battlechoir,
please read the following news - at first from Duke (cursive) and at the bottom from us Knights!
Hail to the grail!Dear Battlechoir!
I bid farewell to my brothers-in-arms, to the Grailknights. Over the years it always meant a lot to me, to go into battle with the more and more powerful Battlechoir and to thwart evil Dr. Skull. To be upfront with it: To leave my friends is a decision I have taken for personal reasons. I will leave my home and move to the southern part of our republic. In the long run this cannot lead to rich teamwork, as the search for the Holy Grail always takes some time and flexibility. Not to mention, decisions as those are not easy to make, but for me and the band it is best if the evil shall remain trembling in the future.
At this point it is time to find some closing words which are pretty hard for me:
Thank you for this wonderful and musically fulfilling time which I had as a Knight. It is simply incredible how the band, our vassal and the Battlechoir developed over the past few years. Those dimensions are something that I never thought would happen or expected, as we had seen it as a project a long time ago. All of you will have a very big place in my heart, and I wouldn't want to miss that experience.
In eternal solidarity yours,
Dear Duke,
the Knights were a get-together of good friends, and only therefore did we cling together through tough times. This fact, the victorious overcoming of highs and lows, makes our parting even more painful. But we also know that the spacial distance to you is an insuperable obstacle. For this reason, we would also ask our almighty Battlechoir to understand our jointly made decision. Duke, we hope that our friendship remains in the future! We thank you for all the great years in which we could battle, fight and drink side-by-side for the Holy Grail – in total 111 battles until today. We will always keep those memories in our heads. We wish you all the best, that all your dreams may come true and that you will visit us in beautiful Castle Grailskull. We are also looking forward to the remaining battles which are to be fought.
Hail to the Grail! Hail to you! Long live our Duke!
Dear Battlechoir!
Now you also know that there will be changes in beloved Grailskull in the future. But our Duke won't leave toneless, - he will give us Knights as well as the Choir the chance to say good-bye during the upcoming three battles (Lünen, Vienna and Oberhausen). At the same time we are happy and relieved to have found a worthily successor who will be presented to you soon – you can be looking forward to it! The DVD battle in Hanover and all future quests will take place and are not endangered.
Hail to the Choir!
Schade drum! OK, der drummerwechseln wird musikalisch bestimmt nicht auffallen, aber alleine wegen des grenzgenialen Pseudonyms....