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[Bild: 1527259-1-thumblgexoi.png]

Zitat:"Monty Python's 'Dead Parrot sketch' ”” which featured John Cleese ”” is some 1,600 years old. A classic scholar has proved the point, by unearthing a Greek version of the world-famous piece. A comedy duo called Hierocles and Philagrius told the original version, only rather than a parrot they used a slave. It concerns a man who complains to his friend that he was sold a slave who dies in his service. His companion replies: 'When he was with me, he never did any such thing!' The joke was discovered in a collection of 265 jokes called Philogelos: The Laugh Addict, which dates from the fourth century AD. Hierocles had gone to meet his maker, and Philagrius had certainly ceased to be, long before John Cleese and Michael Palin reinvented the yarn in 1969."

(15.11.2008, 09:54)myhomeismycastle schrieb: [ -> ][Bild: 1527259-1-thumblgexoi.png]

Zitat:"Monty Python's 'Dead Parrot sketch' ”” which featured John Cleese ”” is some 1,600 years old. A classic scholar has proved the point, by unearthing a Greek version of the world-famous piece. A comedy duo called Hierocles and Philagrius told the original version, only rather than a parrot they used a slave. It concerns a man who complains to his friend that he was sold a slave who dies in his service. His companion replies: 'When he was with me, he never did any such thing!' The joke was discovered in a collection of 265 jokes called Philogelos: The Laugh Addict, which dates from the fourth century AD. Hierocles had gone to meet his maker, and Philagrius had certainly ceased to be, long before John Cleese and Michael Palin reinvented the yarn in 1969."


DAS nenne ich wahre geschichtswissenschaft von gesellschaftlicher relevanz!
allerding Uglyl
vllt haben die ans kreuz genagelten damals dann ja auch wirklich "always look on the bright side" geträllert ^^
aber adnn auf Latein oder Hebräisch Uglyl
(20.11.2008, 14:32)padrak schrieb: [ -> ],2665539

Idioten, Kriminelle oder beides?

[x] Idioten
[x] Kriminelle
was immer da jetzt an Wahrheitsgehalt dran ist:,2933,454744,00.html

ich finds lustig:

"Hitler has only got one ball,
Göring has two but very small,
Himmler is somewhat sim'lar,
But poor old Goebbels has no balls at all.

Hitler has only got one ball,
The other is on the kitchen wall,
His mother, the dirty b””””r,
Chopped it off when he was small."


Das Lied ist echt gut ^^
(20.11.2008, 14:55)malde schrieb: [ -> ]
(20.11.2008, 14:32)padrak schrieb: [ -> ],2665539

Idioten, Kriminelle oder beides?

[x] Idioten
[x] Kriminelle
boah da war doch mal ganz viel aufregung um die flick affäre... vor meiner zeit... aber ich habe darüber gelesen und mir schwirrt da was dumpf im hinterkopf umher...

kriminell ist es auf jeden fall, was die wollen fände ich aber interessant zu erfahren
Piraten klagen über hohe laufende Kosten

Die somalischen Piraten klagen über die hohen Kosten für ihre Überfälle: So hat das Kapern des Supertankers "Sirius" die Seeräuber nach eigenen Angaben bisher 500.000 Dollar gekostet. Von dem Geld seien Gehälter und Informanten bezahlt worden. Die Millionen-Lösegeldforderung für den Öltanker - berichtet wurde von 25 Mio. Dollar - sei daher keineswegs überzogen, werben die Piraten um Verständnis für ihre Situation.

ooooch, die armen piraten! Uglyl ja sag mal, spinnt die welt? Uwacko
freie marktwirtschaft Smile
zu geil Smile
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