06.07.2009, 13:55
Mr. Simmons haut mal wieder auf die Kacke...
Simmons hypt sich mal wieder um den Verstand, aber so isser halt. Na ja, solange Paul Stanley das komplette Songwriting übernimmt, bin ich guter Dinge das wir zumindestens einen Longplayer auf dem Niveau des letzten Stanley Solo-Output "Live to Win" bekommen.
Wobei ich diese Stelle hier im Text ja schon ziemlich lustig finde:
"Best Kiss album since Dynasty" says Gene Simmons"
Besser als das superdupertolle Discoalbum "Dynasty"? Boah Gene, meine Fresse, besser geht doch schon fast gar nicht mehr, wie wollt ihr dieses epochale Jahrhundertwerk bloß übertrumpfen?...
Zitat:News is starting to roll in thick and fast from the Kiss camp, with the usual pre-album hype machine spitting out some memorable quotes already. "Best Kiss album since Dynasty" says Gene Simmons; "The most fun and pleasure making a record I have ever been involved in." says drummer Eric Singer, continuing with "The chemistry and overall vibe really made for such a great atmosphere and the playing, sounds and songs just really capture what Kiss is all about. Classic Rock & Roll."
Sounds intriguing for sure. From the pages of kissonline.com:
Gene: "Our new album (title of which you'll just have to wait a bit longer for) is just a few steps from being completely done. We're planning on re-visiting one of the eleven songs, to make sure it's gotten everything it deserves. Maybe re-arranging it one last time. Then, time to mix. The entire writing and recording process of the album harkened back to an earlier, more innocent time. A time that produced albums such as Rock And Roll Over and Love Gun. And, the new songs have that feeling, I have to say."
Eric: "The end result is everything I could have hoped for. As we were working up song ideas everyone was very in tune and conscious of our goals at all times. Gene and Paul would retrace their steps from the past and focused on paying tribute to their roots of the early styles of Classic Kiss by paying close attention to the way they sang and the sounds of the instruments. The camaraderie between everyone and especially Gene and Paul really made it easy for all to bring the best out of each other. Paul took the reigns and headed up the project like the leader that he has been for over 35 years but, this time with a renewed, inspired and very patient style (he is a great dad after all). He really knew what he wanted from each of us individually and collectively.
We did the 11 new songs in small batches by getting into a rehearsal studio first to work up ideas. We then would move to the recording studio. The recordings would entail all of us playing "live" together in the room. As we captured each performance we would then add extra guitar parts and usually put a guide vocal on the track so we could live with it for a few days and make sure the tempos and vibe was right.
By the way we used NO click tracks on this record I am proud to say. We really went for capturing the live feel and essence of each song. And, Paul, Gene, Tommy and myself are the only musicians playing these songs. A true band effort and performance!
As for the songs? Well, no ballads, no slow songs, no filler... Just pure straight ahead rock and roll that has all the elements that made you love KISS from day one." (Quelle: Melodicrock.com)
Simmons hypt sich mal wieder um den Verstand, aber so isser halt. Na ja, solange Paul Stanley das komplette Songwriting übernimmt, bin ich guter Dinge das wir zumindestens einen Longplayer auf dem Niveau des letzten Stanley Solo-Output "Live to Win" bekommen.
Wobei ich diese Stelle hier im Text ja schon ziemlich lustig finde:
"Best Kiss album since Dynasty" says Gene Simmons"
Besser als das superdupertolle Discoalbum "Dynasty"? Boah Gene, meine Fresse, besser geht doch schon fast gar nicht mehr, wie wollt ihr dieses epochale Jahrhundertwerk bloß übertrumpfen?...