26.01.2004, 15:07
-bAD kARMA+26. Jan. 2004, 5:58 QUOTE (bAD kARMA @ 26. Jan. 2004, 5:58 ) schrieb:Ich warte auf die Version von Omega, die laeuft bei mir stabiler...
Zitat:Neue Omega-Treiber, basierend auf dem Catalyst 4.1, sind ab sofort verfuegbar.
Based on the Official Catalyst 4.1 drivers. (2k/XP/9x/ME)
Updated the profiler utility to the latest version (1.3.19). (2k/XP)
Changed/added some internal tweaks. (2k/XP)
ALL the special Omega resolutions now have refresh rates ranging from 60Hz
to 100Hz, no need to select them in the installer anymore. (2k/XP/9x/ME)
Special resolutions now available for Flat Panel or Notebook displays. (2k/XP/9x/ME)
Re-included the 9700-9800 soft mod by popular demand. (2k/XP/9x/ME)
Did one LAST Omega Driver set for Win9x/ME since I did some mistakes in
the previous "last" release. (9x/ME)
Hope to have fixed the installation problems in Win9x/ME. (9x/ME)
Removed Refresh Force from the package since I think is no longer necessary,
Multires supports refresh rate locking, plus the ATI drivers also include
a refresh override feature. (2k/XP)
Removed some language files that are no longer required. (2k/XP/9x/ME)
<a href='http://www.omegacorner.com/index_ati.html' target='_blank'>» Download des Omega-Treibers</a>