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Zitat:Beastie Boys CD installs virus - [Computer Security]
Submitted by Etherealm on 6/23/2004 7:43:05 AM 19 Comments
A new Beastie Boys' CD called "To the Five Boroughs" (Capitol Records), is raising hackles around the Web for reputedly infecting computers with a virus.
According to a recent thread at BugTraq, an executable file is automatically and silently installed on the user's machine when the CD is loaded. The file is said to be a driver that prevents users from ripping the CD (and perhaps others), and attacks both Windows boxen and Macs.
The infected CD is being distributed worldwide except in the USA and UK, which prevents us from giving a firsthand report. However, according to hearsay, we gather that the Windows version exploits the 'autorun' option, and that the Mac version affects the auto play option.
On Windows, when a CD is loaded, a text file called autorun.inf is read, and any instructions within it are executed. In this case, the machine is instructed to install some manner of DRM driver that prevents copying. We haven't seen either the .inf file or any of the executables, so we can't say how or at what level it accomplishes this - or if indeed it actually does accomplish this.
But assuming that the unconfirmed reports are accurate, we have here a media company infecting users' machines silently with a file that affects a computer's functionality, without first obtaining informed consent: a likely violation of pretty much every jurisdiction's anti-hacking laws. It's possible to foresee criminal charges being brought at some point: after all, having a good reason for spreading malware has never been much of a defence in court. And a file that alters a computer's functioning without the owner's informed consent is the very definition of malware. Because this malware can be transferred from machine to machine on a removable disk, and requires user interaction to spread, it is, quite simply, a computer virus. (A worm, on the other hand, is distinguished by its ability to spread without user interaction.)
Source: The Register
geil, ne?
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Registriert seit: Aug 2003
na toll, sowas beruhigt einen mal wieder...
vor allem von den beastie boys?????
sind doch sonst eigentlich ein ganz liberaler haufen
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Registriert seit: Oct 2003
einer faengt immer an
wird sicher nicht lang dauern, bis irgendwer nachzieht ![Uvogel Uvogel]( ![Motz Motz](
Wer die Freiheit aufgibt, um Sicherheit zu gewinnen, wird am Ende beides verlieren.
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hmmm, komisch, gerade bei den beasties haett ich nicht damit gerechnet. und dann auf so eine art und weise
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ich glaub et hackt
kopierschutz hin oder her, aber n virus?!!!! :finger:
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Registriert seit: Mar 2004
-The Wayfaerer+24. Jun. 2004, 11:46 QUOTE (The Wayfaerer @ 24. Jun. 2004, 11:46 ) schrieb:vor allem von den beastie boys?????
sind doch sonst eigentlich ein ganz liberaler haufen ![Shake Shake]( ich denke mal nicht das die Bands selber viel einfluss auf Kopierschuetze oae. haben. Ist auf jeden Fall ne schweinerei
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und demnaechst fliegt mir die bildroehre um die ohren, wenn ich was kopieren will...
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![Shake Shake]( jetzt gehts los
dass die beastie boys daran in irgendeiner form beteiligt sind, kann ich mir aber auch nicht vorstellen. allerdings frage ich mich gerade, ob capitol records irgendne band unter vertrag haben, die fuer meinen musikgeschmack relevant ist. falls ja, werd ich mir wohl ernsthaft ueberlegen, ob ich mich auf so nen scheiss einlass
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Noch ein Grund mehr, keine Cd´s mehr zu kaufen
[Heute 14:12] Wizz21 : Aus meinem Mund wird über den Hopp nie wieder etwas schlechtes kommen
[Heute 00:05] Wizz21: np: Joey's Freiheit - Ohne dich (geh kackn!) <- k
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Die sollen ihren Dreck behalten. Es gab so etwas zwar schon vorher, sowohl bei Audio-MoechtegernCDs als auch bei Spiele-MoechtegernCDs, man wurde vorher aber wenigstens gefragt. Irgendwann werden sie ihren Punktestand sehen und bemerken, dass sie sich einen Haufen Eigentore geschossen haben.
Zitat:Jun 22, 2004 - 1:40 pmBy
1. There is NO copy controlled software on US or UK releases of Beastie Boys' "To the 5 Boroughs."
2. The disk *IS* copy controlled in Europe - which is standard policy for all
Capitol/EMI titles (and a policy used by ALL major labels in Europe).
3. The copy protection system used for all EMI/Capitol releases including "To the 5 Boroughs" is Macrovision's CDS-200, which sets up an audio player into the users RAM (not hard drive) to playback the RED book audio on the disk. It does absolutely NOT install any kind of spyware, shareware, silverware, or ladies wear onto the users system.
You can find more information on the technology used here:
<a href='' target='_blank'></a>
This is what EMI has to say about it:
Reports that "spyware" is being included on the Beastie Boy's CD, 'To The Five Boroughs' are absolutely untrue.
While the Beastie Boys CD does use copy control in some territories, there is no copy control on the Beasties Boys discs in the US or the UK. Where copy protection is used, it is Macrovision's CDS-200 technology; the same technology being used for the past several months around the world for all of EMI's releases in those territories. This Macrovision technology does NOT install spyware or vaporware of any kind on a users PC. In fact, CDS-200 does not install software applications of ANY KIND on a user's PC. All the copy protection in CDS-200 is hardware based, meaning that it is dependent on the physical properties and the format of the CD. None of the copy protection in CDS-200 requires software applications to be loaded onto a computer.
The technology does activate a proprietary Macrovision player in order to play the CD on a PC, and that player converts WMA compressed files to audio on the fly. It also temporarily installs a graphic "skin" for the player. Nothing is permanently installed on a hard drive. These details can be verified in the 'install.log' file in the computer's root directory.
die beasties schiebens auf die majorlabels,hab mir die platte gezogen weil ich die beasties seit jahren als eine von sehr wenigen hip hop bands hoere, und die scheibe ist wirklich genial,und bei den enthaltenen politischen statements (an open letter to nyc, ch-check it out) glaub ich ihnen das ihnen ihre message wichtiger ist als ihre plattenverkaeufe
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Registriert seit: Dec 2002
Zitat:Nothing is permanently installed on a hard drive. These details can be verified in the 'install.log' file in the computer's root directory.
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