13.07.2006, 00:15
Bandname: Hardcore Superstar[/center]
[center]gegruendet: 1997 in Schweden[/center]
[center]Stil:Sleaze/Glam [/center]
[center]2000 Bad Sneakers and a Pina Colada[/center]
[center]2001 Thank You (For Letting Us Be Ourselves)[/center]
[center]2003 No Regrets[/center]
[center]2005 Hardcore Superstar[/center]
[center]Homepage: http://www.hardcoresuperstar.com [/center]
[center] Review: [/center]
Dem Wizz sein Senf:
Ich hab in den letzten Jahren selten so einen geilen Mix aus sleazigen Hardrock (Moetley Crue/Faster Pussycat lassen schoen gruessen) und rotzigen Punkrock (Backyard Babies, Baby!) gehoert. Extrem melodische Mucke mit ganz hohem Mitsingfaktor die dir mit jedem neuen hoeren dazu noch ganz gewaltig in den Arsch tritt! Haett ich nen Fuehrerschein mitsamt dazugehoerigen Auto wuerd dieses schweinegeile Miststueck von CD in meiner Karre auf Dauerrotation laufen
(Wobei - dat mit der Heavy Rotation klappt auch sehr gut ohne Auto
) Wenn die nicht mal verdammt gross werden, fress ich nen ganz dicken Besen
Bis dahin zieh ich mir erstmal zum droelften Mal "We Dont Celebrate Sundays" rein
Videoclip zu "We Dont Celebrate Sundays"
Videoclip "My Good Reputation"
Viel Spass beim antesten!
Bandname: Hardcore Superstar[/center]
[center]gegruendet: 1997 in Schweden[/center]
[center]Stil:Sleaze/Glam [/center]
[center]2000 Bad Sneakers and a Pina Colada[/center]
[center]2001 Thank You (For Letting Us Be Ourselves)[/center]
[center]2003 No Regrets[/center]
[center]2005 Hardcore Superstar[/center]
[center]Homepage: http://www.hardcoresuperstar.com [/center]
![[Bild: harzcore.jpg]](http://home.arcor.de/wizzard21/harzcore.jpg)
[center] Review: [/center]
Zitat:How come I never checked this Swedish band out till now? BIG MISTAKE! Hardcore Superstar totally nail my style in music, namely attitude filled Sleazy Hard Rock.[/center]
Somehow this band has lots of integrity just by their look. These guys look like they live and breathe this style and only ignorant bands will postulate that look has nothing to do with success.
A short introduction to the Hardcore Superstar is in place. The band formed in 1997 and have released three albums supported by tours of Europe and Japan as well. In 2004 their last album entitled “No Regrets” brought the band to USA and upon their return from the states the band decided to take a break. Also on that tour guitarist Silver got into a fight with a reporter from the biggest paper in Sweden, which made the headlines in Sweden.
Hardcore Superstar certainly refuelled their batteries, because this album is energy packed and well written with high class songs.
An almost gothic keyboard intro leads to the first song Kick on The Upperclass. The song emphasizes everything about this great band; great vocals from Jocke Berg, attitude, great songwriting and a powerful production, which wraps up the tasty music.
Bag On Your Head is a pounding rocker with a beefed up gang choir and on the floor drums. The song changes pace, but the common denominator is ballsy Hard Rock.
Singer Jocke Berg definitely is Hardcore Superstar’s trump card. He sounds diversified in his singing style. Last Forever reminds me of Faster Pussycat in their heyday with raw in your face Sleazy rock vocals. On Last Forever Jocke Berg sounds like Faster Pussycat vocalist Taime Downe and Silver’s guitar sound is alike the Pussycat duo Muscat & Steele.
Hateful is another Sleazy gem that builds up to the chorus. The ending is brilliant.
So far the album has thrown off 2 singles in Hardcore Superstar’s home country Sweden. We Dont Celebrate Sundays is an obvious sing-along hit! The same goes for album highlight Wild Boys, which sticks to your mind immediately with its pounding beat and “fist in the air” sing along chorus. Once again there is a trace of Faster Pussycat inspiration from their classic tune Babylon.
The snotty Cry Your Eyes Out has lots of kick ass attitude. The song underlines the straightforwardness of Hardcore Superstar – 2 verse lines and then right to the bridge.
Simple Man is another sleazy rock anthem, while Blood On Me has AC/DC undertones. The album ends with the only ballad-like song. Standing on the Verge is quite different from any of the songs on “Hardcore Superstar” but yet it’s a melodic masterpiece. The laid back vibe creates a great emotion minute by minute and the song ends pompous.
I surely will be on the lookout for a Hardcore Superstar show somewhere near me, because these songs scream out to be heard live. Hardcore Superstar certainly enriches my CD collection and musical horizon…..A nice surprise of 2005 and a great way to end the year!
This album is too good not to be heard! (Quelle: revelationz.net )
Dem Wizz sein Senf:
Ich hab in den letzten Jahren selten so einen geilen Mix aus sleazigen Hardrock (Moetley Crue/Faster Pussycat lassen schoen gruessen) und rotzigen Punkrock (Backyard Babies, Baby!) gehoert. Extrem melodische Mucke mit ganz hohem Mitsingfaktor die dir mit jedem neuen hoeren dazu noch ganz gewaltig in den Arsch tritt! Haett ich nen Fuehrerschein mitsamt dazugehoerigen Auto wuerd dieses schweinegeile Miststueck von CD in meiner Karre auf Dauerrotation laufen

Videoclip zu "We Dont Celebrate Sundays"
Videoclip "My Good Reputation"
Viel Spass beim antesten!