04.01.2008, 18:05
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 04.01.2008, 18:14 von myhomeismycastle.)
Nette Seite fuer Nachrichten die keine sind.
Ein unglaublich aktuelles Portal fuer Lueckenbuesser-News der Zeitungen, Weblogs und Radioshows aller Welt.
Manchmal lustig, oft nur zum Kopfschuetteln oder verzweifeln warum sowas als "Nachricht" durchgeht
Its not news, its...Fark[/size]
Ein unglaublich aktuelles Portal fuer Lueckenbuesser-News der Zeitungen, Weblogs und Radioshows aller Welt.
Manchmal lustig, oft nur zum Kopfschuetteln oder verzweifeln warum sowas als "Nachricht" durchgeht

Its not news, its...Fark[/size]
Zitat: What is Fark?
The first thing you should know is that Fark.com isnt a Weblog. Fark.com, the Web site, is a news aggregator and an edited social networking news site. Every day Fark receives 2,000 or so news submissions from its readership.
Fark isnt an acronym. It doesnt mean anything. The idea was to have the word Fark come to symbolize news that is really Not News. Hence the slogan "Its not news, its Fark." Fark was originally a word Drew became known for using online back in the early 1990s. He cant remember why, but his guess is that it was either to replace another F-word or that he was just drunk and mistyped something. He tells everyone it was the former since its a better story that way.