Hier wie immer die Playlist:
Heidevolk - Saksenland
October File - A Munitions Crusade
Before the Dawn - Dying Sun
Anberlin - The Resistance
Headshot.Failed.Desperation - Incognito Affair
Eisregen - Stahlschwarzschwanger
Nachtmahr - Nachtmahr
Dub Trio - Not for Nothing
Bullet for my Valentine - Scream Aim Fire
Filter - The Take (nach kurzer Vorstellung von Soldiers of Misfortune)
Ill Nino - The Alibi of Tyrants
Misery Speaks - The Scavenger
Rotten Sound - Corponation
Alestorm - Captain Morgan's Revenge (in Punkis Special "Arr"+"Vorgeschichte" Edit

Dead Confederate - The Rat
The Monolith Deathcult - Demigod
Meshuggah - Electric Red
Ascension of the Watchers - Evading
Dagoba - Face the Kolossus
Testament - Henchmen Ride
Slipknot - Gematria (the Killing Name)
Opeth - The Lotus Eater
GO! with fourteen O - Four more Years
Polkadot Cadaver - Chloroform Girl
Harlots - Full Body Contortion
Heaven Shall Burn - Endzeit
Ayreon - Liquid Eternity
In Flames - Alias
Sonic Syndicate - Jack of Diamonds
Die Apokalyptischen Reiter - Riders on the Storm (nach dem verzweifelten Versuch, "Der Weg" zu spielen)
Hail of Bullets - General Winter
End of Green - Hurter
Equilibrium - Unbesiegt
Mogwai - I'm Jim Morrison. I'm Dead
Mötleys Crüe - Saints of Los Angeles
Deadlock - Death Race
Callejon - Porn From Spain
Poisonblack - A dead Heavy Day
Mercenary - The Endless Fall
Keep of Kalessin - Escape the Union
Eaten by Tigers - Solstice
Aborted - Hereditary Bane
Ghost Brigade - Rails at the River
Eisbrecher - This is Deutsch
Amon Amarth - Tattered Banners and Bloody Flags
Black Comedy - Inhale the Sulphur
Eluveitie - Calling the Rain
KYPCK - Demon
Airbourne - Turn up the Trouble
Pendulum - Propane Nightmares
Vinterriket - Gipfelpforte
Walls of Jericho - II. the Prey
Moonsorrow - Tulimyrsky
Und auf besonderen Wunsch als Bonus:
Amon Amarth - Death in Fire
Iron Maiden - Infinite Dreams
Gesamtdauer der Sendung: 5:32:00
Hat mir sehr viel Spass gemacht und die Zuhörerzahlen waren konstant hoch

So muss dat