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GOD MACABRE - The Winterlong (1993)
[Bild: godmacabrewinterlongsyvz.jpg]

VÖ: 1993 (Reissue 2002, Relapse)

Genre: Oldschool Death Metal

Label: Mangled Beyond Recognition

Herkunftsland: Schweden

Für Fans von: Grave, Dismember


01. Into Nowhere
02. Lost
03. Teardrops
04. Ashes Of Mourning Life
05. Spawn Of Flesh
06. Lamentation
07. In Grief

Spielzeit: 27:58

Zitat:How to start a review for a release like this? To be honest I should say that when talking about a classic, and that”s what I consider “The Winterlong”, everything should be said, but, damn, that”s not the case for GOD MACABRE. They had and still have a huge name in the underground, but I have my doubts that everyone who”s talking about GOD MACABRE or MACABRE END really owe one original release from them. The MACABRE END demo was released in about 100 copies, the 7”EP “Consumed By Darkness” (still one of the best 7”EPs ever) probably in 1000 copies, the original release of GOD MACABRE”s “The Winterlong”¦” (recognize the slightly different name here) through MBR Records might probably not reach 1000 pieces and I”m not sure if the re-release through Relapse Records was printed in more than 1000 copies either. So how the fuck can so many people say that they know GOD MACABRE, after all you have to subtract one copy each as it”s me who owns them, haha (ok ok, I don”t have the original demo tape in my collection, fuck!!)! No serious, for sure tape trading helped them a lot to spread their name around and knowing 2 of the guys (Ola and Jonas) a little bit now I”m more than sure that they can deal pretty well with it. They most probably never saw one single cent for their releases and I”m aware of the fact that this first-time-ever vinyl release won”t change that, still I”m sure the guys behind GOD MACABRE are very proud of this version of this classic. And yes, they can be very proud and Rodrigo from Blood Harvest should be proud, too, as finally someone took care of this gem of early Swedish Death Metal history to end what began with the recording of these songs in Studio Sunlight the 18th, 19th and 27th of December 1991 (29th of September 1990 if we are talking about the added bonus tracks from their 7”EP “Consumed By Darkness”). As I said in the beginning, this is a true classic, a classic in the history of Death Metal if you ask me. I implicate this record with records as “Left Hand Path”, “Dark Recollection” or “Like An Ever Flowing Stream” and without a doubt it”s the only way to say this record is essential to know for each Death Metal fan out there. The Sunlight sound captured the true spirit of their brand of Swedish Death Metal in a magnificent way. The songs, typical Swedish Death Metal on one hand, but nevertheless far too outstanding to compare with the likes of ENTOMBED or DISMEMBER. The musical direction might be more or less equal, some the riffs could be from one of their records, too, but adding this gloomy atmosphere with hints of PARADISE LOST, these fantastic, hardly heard before melodic guitar solos and these brutal vocals which only Swedes can create made them outstanding and unique up to this very day. This Blood Harvest release is the vinyl version of the re-release through Relapse Records, which means that we are talking about the remixed recordings at Speed Ball Studio the 5th and 6th of December 2000 were the keyboards of the original release got replaced and played with a mellotron. The songs overall are the same as on the Relapse release, which means that you find here the remixed 5 songs including the 2 instrumentals ”˜Teardrops” and ”˜Lamentations” of the original MCD through Mangled Beyond Recognition Records and the 3 songs from the “Consumed By Darkness” 7”EP released through French Corpse Grinder Records. The layout is still the same as on the CD versions and more or less equal to the Relapse release, but finally the cover painting got the size it deserves. A pity that this guy called Mark Franson hasn”t done any other paintings for Metal recordings as far as I know. Of biggest importance is for sure the music and there are no negative things to tell here either. I think there is no importance to write about each song as all of them, also (some could call “especially”) the demo tracks, are without doubts among the best you can get from a Swedish Death Metal band EVER. To pick out some songs I could choose to talk about the groovy tunes in ”˜Ashes Of Mourning Life” (does anybody remember VOMITORY”s cover version?) or the amazing ”˜Spawn Of Flesh” which are totally outstanding and would suit bands as DISMEMBER just perfect in their discographies, too. Talking about the original recording the best is yet to come and that”s ”˜In Grief” which I would consider as one of the most outstanding Death Metal songs ever released. Again we have the brand of Swedish Death Metal with awesome riffs, dark and brutal vocals here and a perfect ending perhaps a little bit similar to ”˜Left Hand Path”, but a question to all of you who already know this song: have you ever heard a more beautiful guitar solo on a Death Metal song than in this song? The last 3 tracks on this vinyl are from their “Consumed By Darkness” 7”EP and not less outstanding than the songs which you could hear before. ”˜Consumed By Darkness” might be one of the gloomiest and most dark songs ever recorded. Hm, this review turned out far too long if you ask me, one sentence should have been enough: buy this piece of vinyl as long as it is available, otherwise you will regret it. Available from www.bloodharvest.se.
(Quelle: voicesfromthedarkside.de)

Persönlicher Nachtrag:
Nachdem ich gestern feststellen musste, dass dieser Klassiker des schwedisch orientierten Death Metals in diesen Kreisen fast gänzlich unbekannt ist, war dieses Review obligatorisch. Wer sich Oldschool Fan nennt, kommt hier nicht dran vorbei oder muss zum Ohrenarzt. Smile

Meine Wertung: 9.0/10

HumusMeter: vergiss es

Hörbeispiele + Info:
Kenn ich nicht, klingt aber sehr gut, wird reingelauscht!
6 Leute haben für Oldschool Death gevoted und jetzt kommt hier gar nix?

Wollt ihr mich verarschen?

Zum letzten Mal....ohne Feedback gibts keine Reviews mehr.

Schon eine Meinung dazu? Smile
Klingt schon sehr gut. schön heavy
(19.01.2009, 11:09)padrak schrieb: @chris
Schon eine Meinung dazu? Smile

Noch nicht, muss noch reinlauschen, komm aber wohl erst am Wochenende dazu, derzeit bissl im Streß, siehe Frost Thread Smile
gerade weil du es als old-school-perle angepriesen hast, hab ich noch nichts zu geschrieben. hab das album nicht zur hand und nur die myspace-tracks möchte ich nicht zur meinungsbildung heranziehen. sobald die wohnungssuche vorbei ist, werde ich auch zeit haben. hab den thread von anfang an sessionübergreifend als geöffneten tab im firefox Smile
@braindad (+all)
Jo, aber auch in den Musik News passiert quasi überhaupt nichts zu dem Thema. Und da reichen normalerweise sogar fehlende Hörproben für eine Reaktion...


Was soll ich davon halten? Und das ist nur 1 Beispiel.

Es ist völlig wurscht, in welche Richtung ich mich bewege, oldschool ist bäh, newschool ist bäh und die Mischung ist dann wahrscheinlich bähbäh. Zumindest tut ihr eine Menge dafür, um mich in dieser Einschätzung zu bestärken.
nur weil sich keiner meldet, ist das alles bäh? ich glaube, du interpretierst da in das userverhalten ne ganze ecke zu viel rein. ich finde andere gründe schlüssiger, zB dass vieles links liegen bleibt, weil man nur kurz zeit gefunden hat, ins bom zu schauen und dann auch nur auf die sachen antwortet, die einem positiv erscheinen (ich zB bei musik, die mir nach hörprobe gefällt oder lustigen sachen, die mich mehr als zum schmunzeln gebracht haben und nur selten, wenn ich mal etwas nicht so gut/schlecht finde). manche sachen werden auch schlicht übersehen - das news-forum besuche ich zB recht selten und wenn, schaue ich (leider) oft nur in threads mit mir bekannten band-namen.
Habe es mir anhört. Klingt recht deftig -> gefällt.
Sorry wenn das jetzt erst kommt.
So, hör grad den 3. Durchgang. Extrem geile Scheibe, danke für's schließen dieser Bildungslücke. Schwedentod wie man ihn (fast) nicht besser machen kann. Ebenfalls 9 von 10 Punkten!
Gefällt mir was auf myspace ist. Muss mal danach suchen.
"Willst du friedlich leben? Verkehre mit den Menschen, lebe aber allein, unternimm nichts und bedauere gar nichts."
Iwan Sergejewitsch Turgenew

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