13.08.2009, 10:43
Obacht, Joey! ^^
Winger gehen wirklich back to the Roots? Würd ich saugeil finden
A brand new Winger studio album is set for release in October on Frontiers Records. Titled Karma, the only indication of the direction of the record comes from this Reb Beach post from his website:
"Anyway, Kip and I have started the fifth Winger record, and I think you all are going to be so happy with it. I fly to Nashville next week to finish the guitars. It's very up-tempo, Motley Crue-ish stuff. The tunes are, you know, party, good time, bang you're head stuff. It has the elements of being the best Winger record yet, so we'll see. I did the best solo of my career on the outro of a Headed for a Heartbreak type song, that I know! It's two minutes long!!" (Quelle: Melodicrock.com)
Winger gehen wirklich back to the Roots? Würd ich saugeil finden